Chapter Seven

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"Liz?" I turn around to see Charlie watching me. "What?" I continue to put hay on my lap for the morning feed. "You physical therapist called and said that they scheduled to have appointments every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at one." I groan, "So much for them asking me." He laughs, "Yeah she seemed pretty persistent to make sure I tell you it wasn't a choice." "Damn woman" I mumble. "She your doctor" he asks. "She is my physical therapist and she will run to my mom if I don't follow through" I tell him. "This town is defiantly small then" he comments. I nod in agreement, "too small."

Heading to the first stall I drop hay in. I continue to do that to each stall. Charlie does the grain then takes hay to the pastures. Afterwards I pull Michigan out and head to the corral. I use a lead rope and get him going into a trot. "You going to ride him?" I snap my head in the direction of Charlie. "Make you presence known" I mumble as I settle down from feeling surprised. 

"I don't know" I answer. "I can help you" he offers. "Maybe later" I respond while keeping my eyes on Michigan. "Just let me know when you want to" he says as he walks away. I know it sounds like I don't want to. I actually really do, but I don't want to realize its no longer possible. I can't use my legs. Will I be able to stay on the horse? I can't even thinking about only being able to ride while being baby sat by someone. For fuck's sake how am I suppose to train the horses when I can't even ride on. 

A whine brings me back to reality and I notice Michigan standing right in front of me. "Sorry boy. Just lost in thoughts again" I say softly as I reach up and pet him on his neck. "How would you like to go for a ride later" I mumble. He pushes his his nose into my hand once I have removed it from his neck. "Let's get you in the pasture so I can finish chores, so I can go deal with the devil therapist lady" I grumble. I lead him out of the coral and take him to the smaller pasture. I un-clip the lead rope and let him walk away. Closing the pasture gate, I head back to the stables. 

"Charlie?" After a moment Charlie pokes his head outside of a stall. "Yeah?" "Are you all most done" I ask. "This is my last one. Barn I already did" he explains. "Can you give me a lift up to the farther pasture. I need to restock the hay and water" I ask him. "Sure. Did you just want me to do it" he asks. "No, Ill go." He nods and disappears back into the stall. Need to visit my dad's horse any chance I can. I hate him being so alone up there, but its where he wants to be.

"Let me go dump this and then we can head up there" Charlie announces as he walks past me with a wheel barrow. I wheel my self over to where the hay bales are and use the hook to start dragging it outside to his truck. Within twenty feet, Charlie makes it to where I am and lifts the other side. When we make it to the truck, he tosses the hale bale into the bed. "There is cases of water in under that carport. I need at least ten gallons. To make it easier you can back your truck up to it" I tell him. He nods, "Let's get you in the truck then I'll back up. I can load the water then we will head out." I roll my self over to the passenger side truck and once I stop charlie opens the door then lifts me into the seat.

Charlie's POV

I open the first box and notice gallons of water. Each box has four gallons. I toss three boxes into the back of the truck. I walk over to the door and get inside. I put the truck in drive, but put it back in park when I hear my phone go off. 


"Charlie! I need you to come talk to my dad! He is planning to sign up for bull riding this year. He hasn't done it since his last accident! He could get hurt worse then last time! Tell him to stick to the broncos! You have more of an influence on him Charlie!"

"Becca, calm down. I'll come by the place later."

"Please do it before he signs up. You know once he is, he won't remove from it!"

"I'll do my best. I have things to do before I can, but once I am free I will go see him."

"Thanks Charlie! I got to get back to work, but thank you!"

"No problem. Bye."

I hang up the phone and slide it back into my pocket. "Is Becca okay" Liz asks. I raise a brow. "Sorry I heard Becca's name" she shrugs. "No worries. Apparently my Uncle is trying to get back into bull riding" I explain. "Frank that man is going to put himself into an early grave" I hear her mumble. "You know my uncle well" I ask as I put the truck in drive to head to the back pasture.

"Yeah. Becca and I were pretty inseparable through school and after. Frank was like my second dad growing up." I notice the smile that spreads on her face. "Makes sense. Well she wants me to try and talk some sense into him" I tell her. "Good luck" she chuckles. "That man is stubborn" she adds. I nod in agreement.

Once we make it up to the pasture I help Liz out of the truck and into her wheel chair so she can go visit with the horse while I unload the items. I separate the hay into sections then toss it into the feeder trough. Once the hay is all added I pull out the gallons of water and dump them into the water trough. 

Once finished I fold up the boxes and stack them in the bed of the truck. I lean on the truck to wait for Liz to come back. I look out in the pasture to see her petting her father's horse. I should really get started on building that shelter for the horse. 

Ten minutes pass before Liz makes her way back over to the truck. "Ready" I ask. She nods and we walk over to the passenger side of the truck. Once she is in the truck, I place wheel chair in bed of the truck and then get in the truck. 

"Are you sure you want to give me ride to my appointment today" she asks. "Yeah, its no problem" I tell her. We make it back to the ranch and I help out of the truck.  "Lets have lunch then we should probably head into town" Liz announces. "Sounds good" I comment.


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