Chapter Sixteen

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Liz's POV

It's been a week since I have woken up and hopefully will be my last day in the hospital. I'm currently waiting for the okay from the doctor to leave, which is taking longer then I hoped. Through out the week Becca and I have become closer. I can see how we are best friends. We click so well. Charlie and I have also gotten closer, but I can tell we are both nervous about what is going to happen between us out of the hospital.

"Miss Wild, you tests came back clear. You will have to come back in a week for a follow up though" the doctor states as he walks over to the hospital bed. "That means I can leave" I ask excitedly. He chuckles, "Yes. We have called Charlie and he is on his way." I nod, "Thanks." The doctor nods and walks out leaving me alone once again.

The day after I woke up I learned about the stampede accident where I lost feeling in both of my legs. Surprising both the doctor and everyone else, I can feel my right leg. Hopefully with physical therapy it will get better. Becca has filled me on everything I couldn't remember, which is a lot. I am hoping eventually my memory will come back, but at least it doesn't feel like anything is missing. Well, besides my dad. It is still hard to believe waking up thinking he is still alive, but has died years ago. My mom was shocked to hear that as well, but has been as supportive as she can from a hospital bed.

A nurse walks in with a few papers. "I just need you to sign theses Miss Wild" she hands them over on a clipboard. I nod and glance through it before signing it. It was my discharge paperwork. I hand it back but before she could leave I call her back. "Yes?" "Is there anyway I can visit my mom. She is admitted upstairs. Melanie Wild" I tell her. She nods, "I think we could arrange that. I can take you, but I believe your boyfriend just showed up. He is talking with a doctor. Its up to you" she tells me. My cheeks burn at her word, boyfriend. "Oh, okay. I'll just have him take me" I say softly. She softly laughs seeing me blush and exits the room.

I throw my arm over my eyes as I lay down in the bed. "I would think you would be jumping around the room, knowing you could leave" I hear Charlie say. I peek out from under my arm, "Oh trust me I was moments ago." He chuckles as my joke. "Here, Becca put some clothes in here for you" he says putting down a duffel bag on the bed next to me. "Great. I think I am more excited about wearing normal clothes then anything" I laugh as I open the duffel bag. 

I sigh when I notice what she picked out. "I swear I am going to kill her" I groan. "What she do this time" Charlie chuckles. "Some reason I am not surprised, but you would think she would bring me comfy clothes instead of theses" I say holding up jean shorts, a tank top and black lacy undergarments. I notice Charlie's cheeks go red at seeing the undergarments. I toss it back into the duffel bag. "Do you need me to go get you something else" he asks. "No its fine. Now turn around" I tell him. "I can leave until your done" he offers. "I might need your help. I prefer you over that male nurse they sent last time to help me change gowns. You would think they would be more professional" I mutter. Charlie's hands tighten in fist and I notice his jaw tighten. 

Charlie nods and turns around to give me privacy. "Shit" I grumble. "Need help already" I hear Charlie ask. "Can you undo the knots the gown ties in the back" I ask. Every time I changed a gown I had Becca knot the ties because they kept coming undone. "Sure" Charlie says as he walks over as I move to the edge of the bed and turn my back towards him. He undoes the top one and then the middle one. The bottom on took him a  little longer, but once he undid it he walks away to face the other side of the room. "Thanks." "Of course."

I strip out of the gown and put on the undergarments. The slipped the tank top over my head and pulled my arms through. I bent over and put my feet through the jean short holes and pulled it up. I had to go back and forth moving the shorts up as I lifted on side of my bottom until the shorts were all the way off. 

Looking into the duffel bag I noticed flip flops and vans. I decided on the vans. I noticed Charlie was still facing the wall once I finished tying my first shoe. "You can turn around" I tell him. He does. I angle my left leg to try and put on the shoe, but it was just an awkward position. It didn't hurt since this leg have any feeling in it. "Let me help" Charlie says. He pulls my leg straight and over the edge of the bed then grabs my shoe from me. He bends down and puts it on then ties it for me. "Thanks." He just smiles at me. 

One everything is settled. Charlie leaves the room and within seconds comes back in with a wheel chair. "Ready?" "Yes" I say dramatically. He laughs and picks me up bridal style. Once I am in the wheel chair he shows me the option of having a buckle. He pushes me towards the elevator. "Before we go home, I was hoping to see my mom" I ask him. "Yeah, I actually mean't to ask if you wanted to visit her. I spaced it though" he comments. I give him a smile as we enter the elevator. He pushes the button to my moms floor. 

We make it to my moms floor and head straight for her room. When we get inside she is talking with a nurse as they take her blood pressure. She turns at the sound of Charlie's footsteps. "Oh my goodness! Elizabeth!" 

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