December 9, 1972
Today I became sick. I don't like to be sick. being sick sucks, and its how Mama died, and the thought of watching Mama on the ground dying in front of me is hard to think about again. I could have done some more, I could have saved Mama's life, I could have stopped her from dying, if I only convinced Mama to stop smoking than she wouldn't have gotten cancer, and she wouldn't be dead and.... You want to know what it doesn't matter anyways, its not like no one is going to read this to check up on me, and papa doesn't even know I have this dumb thing, so never mind. i'll right in you tomorrow because its 7:23 and I want to go to bed anyways.
The Voice In My Head
Non-FictionA little Girl needs help. Both of her parents die, and she needs to find a family before its to late!