First Day In The Glade

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I awoke and found myself surrounded by darkness with no memory of what happened. I tried to stand up but bumped my head on a ceiling so I crouched down. I felt around the walls and found that I was in a box of some sort that was going upwards really fast. I crouched down and sat in the corner trying to remember how I got here but that's when I realized that I couldn't remember anything, even my name. I couldn't remember my name or what happened or why I am here. All I know is that I am in a box going upward at an alarming speed and I am surrounded by darkness.

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I screamed seeing if anyone would hear me but of course I was all alone and there was no answer which scared me. I started to hyperventilate when I saw a dead end and screamed, closing my eyes bracing myself for the impact but it never came. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that the red light had turned green and an alarm suddenly sounded and I covered my ears curling into a ball shutting my eyes tight. I stayed like that for what felt like forever when I heard the alarm turn off but I stayed like that just in case it came back on. I suddenly felt light press against my eyelids and I slowly removed my hands from my ears and squinted my eyes at the brightness. My eyes adjusted to the brightness to see the top of the box open and there were a bunch of people standing around it and I saw that they were all boys, no girls. I scooted as far as I could into the corner and was really grateful that there were boxes around me so that the boys couldn't see me but I could see them. A few boys jumped down into the box making it shake as they started to remove boxes and I heard a couple of them mention something about a 'greenie' and how it was 'weird there wasn't one'. A boy picked up a crate that was in front of me and he saw me making him gasp. He dropped the crate so the other guys turned to him which made them see me. They all gasped and stopped doing what they were doing.

"ALBY! Uh it's a girl." One guy said worriedly and all the guys came back to the top of the box thing. A dark skinned boy came over who I assume was Alby and they all stared at me.

"Get her out of there." He said and the boys in the box came towards me and I sprung up and got into a defensive pose making them all back up.

"Stay away from me." I growled out scaring them. I spotted that the boxes were in a position where I could get out. I ran and jumped on boxes until I was out of the box and ran with the boys shouting at me. I looked around as I ran and saw that I was trapped inside of four tall walls surrounding the area. I saw an opening and ran towards it making the boys shout at me and I looked back a little to see that some were chasing after me. I turned back around and ran to the opening but as I was about to run through a boy ran out of it and crashed onto me making us both fall.

"Hey! Watch it ya slinthead." the boy said as I strangled to get up and he followed. I started to go back to the opening but the boy grabbed my arm.

"Hey let me go!" I yelled as I struggled to get away but his grip tightened and the other boys caught up.

"Oh thank goodness you caught her Minho." that Alby guy said. "Put her in the pit until she calms down." after he said that a couple boys grabbed my arms and took me to a jail like thing made of wood and I looked back at the opening and the boy that stopped me from getting away and I glared at him as I was dragged away.

Minho's POV:

I finally finished running the maze and was running back to the glade when someone ran into me and we both fell.

"Hey! Watch it ya slinthead." I said annoyed as I stood up and saw that it was a girl. She tried to run but I grabbed her arm and she struggled.

"Hey let me go!" She said but I just tightened my grip as Alby and a couple others came over.

"Oh thank goodness you caught her Minho." Alby said. "Put her in the pit until she calms down." a couple guys grabbed her and she struggled as they took her to the pit but as they did she glared at me but I could see the fear in her eyes.

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