Chapter 29

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We needed to start building and everyone was pitching in but I couldn't focus on this. My mind was on Gabby. I knew we kiss but I pushed her away after. Maybe she hated me. I wouldn't know until I talked to her. I was scared to talk to her. What if she slaps me? What if she doesn't like me anymore and I ruin it all? I started to panic and pace. I needed to get a control myself before I give myself a panic attack. I stop and close my eyes. I stopped all the 'what if's' in their tracks and thought of nothing but her. I knew that I liked her but I don't know how it will all play out now. I mean if this was zombie, freak shit show didn't happen would I have the courage to ask her out? Hell yeah, I would! I would and I would love to get to know her and to date her. I would make her swoon for me. I was the smooth one in the family. So nothing was stopping me.

However, everything was stopping me right now. This place I use to call home was no longer home but something straight out of a movie. It was hard to live and harder to survive. This was hell but I shouldn't let that stop me from finding happiness right. I find Carmen and gave her a new life before her first one could even start. It was taking from her hours before she could feel her mother's warmth. Casey was running and trying to hide and her old life was pulled from beneath her feet. And I find her and give her a new one. I know this one could kill us all but it doesn't matter. I love those girls and I'll do anything for them. Then I was pulled from my thoughts. I heard a small cry and look down to see Casey holding her little sister Carmen. " Hey there little one," I cooed at her. I picked her up and felt no fear. I knew I wasn't going to hurt her and give her whatever I had. that's when I knew I needed to talk to Gabby. I needed to tell her everything and my fears.

After spending some time with the girls I went in search for the one person I wanted to make mine. I look all over the house and couldn't find her. I went to the bran and asked around. No one saw her. I was growing worried. Maybe she went out with Josh and the professor. I walk to the windmill that was next to the bran and looked up. I was surprised at what I saw. I quickly climb up and saw her watching the small town. I was not fond of heights but I needed to speak to her. I crawled slowly to her and sat next to her. "Hey," I said. She looked at me and nodded. 'Damn it' thought I fucked up. "I need to tell you something but you don't have to answer," I told her and I started to speak. " I like you, and the thought of that scares the fuck out of me, if this zombie shit show didn't happen, no growlers, no tickers none of it I would have loved to ask you out and get to know you, but I know that won't happen now because I pushed you so many times, but then I thought about it nothing changes how I feel. Hell aliens could come right and add to this mess and I'll still want to kiss you and be with you,"I said. I take a deep breath to continue but I was stopped. I was stopped by her lips on mine.

She kissed me and I kissed her back. I wasn't going to run from this from her. She pulled away from me and I lean into her. I push my forehead against hers and looked into her beautiful brown eyes. I had a small smile on my lips and she was blushing. This was surreal. "I like you to you dufus," she said to me and I laugh. I kiss her and she kisses me back. It was a rush fast pace kissing. It was slow and I felt everything. Her lips were soft and I felt her tongue brush against my lower lip. I open up for her and deepen the kiss. Her hands went into my short hair and down my neck bringing me closer. My arms wrapped around her waist pulling her into me. I couldn't get enough of her.

We soon stop and held onto each other. "I know this is all romantic and shit but I went to feel the ground under my feet," I said and she laughs at me. She said ok and we climb down. I never thought telling her how I felt would lead to this. I guess I should open up more but it was hard for me and it was even harder when I know we could be killed ant day but I pushed those thoughts from my mind. We made it this far and nothing can stop us now.

I knew everyone was planning on going out at one point to bring building supplies but I didn't want the new people to go out just yet. I needed to know if they can protect themselves. Yes, I know they survive this long but everything is changing and it not just tickers and growlers we have to worry about. We also have to worry about freaks and people. I needed to see how strong they were. I knew that Lily being wheelchair bound didn't stop her from leaving but I worried about her. But I will put her through the same test as everyone else. If she can fight she can fight that's all that matters to me.

But I wasn't going to stand in there way if they wanted to truly help out. The first thing they needed to do was to help me map out the area in which we will build walls and add to the gate. While adding watchtowers. I mean the windmill will make a great observation point into the small town. "Alright new guys I needed to know your strength and weakness," I said to them. I saw the questions they wanted to ask so I answer the unspoken question. "Look I'm going to be real with y'all, I don't know any of you nor do I trust you, I just want to get to know you guys and see what's up," I said to them and they seem to understand where I was coming from.

They split into two groups and started working in different places. The first group was with me and the second group was with Gabby. When she passed by me she winks at me and I blush slightly. She had them working on the wall while my group was in charge of building a watchtower. Or at least we would begin drawing up plans to build a watchtower, we don't have all the supplies we need in order to do that just yet.

We started with the areas we would build in by roping it off and talked about how high it would be. The walls that surrounded the house and some parts of the land extended for about a mile so we had a lot of space to work with. Lilly came up with the idea of place a tower every half mile so we can be cover and protect at all times. She even talked about building some in fields and build low bearing walls to protect the crops we would plant to have a food source. I agreed with her and started to talk to these college students more. they seem like a nice group when we first meet but I know time will tell me what I need to know about them. I just hope none of them gets themselves killed. but anything can happen in our new world.

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