Moving In

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Taehyung's POV
"We..... We made it." She says in a grave tone. I look sad for a moment before processing what she said. I look up and see a big smile on her face. "Really?!" I ask. She nods her head. "We made it!" She says in a happier time. I grab her waist pick her up and spin her around before hugging her. "That's great! Now let's go sell your house, pack and get you girls moved in!" Namjoon said.

*time skip*

We arrived back at their house. "Who are we gonna sell it to?" I asked. "I have some friends who might be interested, lemme call them." (Yn) responds. She grabs her phone and leaves the room.

Your POV
I dial the number. "Hello?" The voice asked. "Tori! How are you?" I ask. "(Yn)? Hey! I'm doing great! How are you?" She asks. "I'm doing fantastic. I got a job! I also got a job at a music company!" I tell her excitedly. "That's great!" She responds. "Is Hannah there?" I ask. "Yeah... H--" she starts then I hear two other voices. "Are you talking to (Yn)? Is that who you're talking to?" One asks. "Yes, Khloe I'm talking to (Yn)." I hear Tori say. "KHLOE?! Is Klaire there too?!" I ask. "Yes." A voice responds. "Hannah?" I ask. "Yes." She responds. "How are you (Yn)?" Klaire asked. "I'm doing great! How are you guys?" I asked. "We're doing great too! So any specific reason why you called?" Khloe asked. "You guys were looking for a house in South Korea right?" I question. "Yes." They respond simultaneously. "I have a house that I'm not gonna use for a while. You interested?" I asked. "Yes!" They shout back once again simultaneously. "Alright, get here as soon as possible so we can do the paper work. Talk to you later." I say. "Bye!" They respond before hanging up. I walk back to the others. "So what'd they say?" JungKook asked as soon as I walked into the room. "They said yes. They should be here in about three-ish days." I explain. They nod their heads. "Should we start packing?" Ty asked. We again nod. We start packing. We'll be leaving the furniture.

*time skip*

By the time we finished it was around eleven clock at night. "You guys can sleep in the rooms we can sleep on the couches." I explain then yawn. "But this is your house--" Taehyung starts. "Exactly. Our house, you're guests. You guys get the beds one will have to sleep on the floor, we only have four bedrooms. Yoongi, you get your own room." I say. They nod their heads and we show them to their rooms. All rooms now have at least two except for Yoongi's room. The only one without a room at the moment was Taehyung. "You can take my couch." I say as I turn to him. "B--" he starts. "I'll be fine. I'll find..... Somewhere to sleep. I just want you guys comfortable. I'll be okay." I say and give him a reassuring smile. I lead him the couch that I set up for myself to sleep on. The girls taking up the smaller couch and the two chairs. Taehyung got the big couch. "Are you sure you don't want to sleep here cause I can--" he starts. "Tae, I'll be fine." I say and smile at him again. "Okay." He says. "Night." I tell him. "Night." He responds with his box smile. I check the time. It's now eleven forty. I start walking around my house trying to find a decent place to sleep. I ended up back in the living room. Guess I'll sleep on the floor. I go to a cupboard and grab two blankets a thick one and a thin one. Along with a pillow. I place the thick blanket down. I out the pillow on top of the blanket. I lay down, pull the thin one over myself and fall asleep. I hate sleeping in the floor.... Especially  a wooden one, I always get cold, but I never wake up.

Taehyung's POV
I wake up to what sounds like shivering. I open my eyes trying to wake up enough to figure out what was going on. Once I do I look around until I find the source of the minimal chattering of teeth. It was (Yn), sleeping on the floor. I knew I should've let her sleep on the couch. I grab my phone and quickly check the time. Three a.m.. I put my phone back and carefully get off the couch. I carefully remove her blanket, trying not to wake her. I pick her up bridle style. She must be a heavy sleeper. In place her on the couch and put the blankets over her. I lay down on the floor where she was. I look at her sleeping form. I smile. At least she'll get a good nights rest, she's gonna have stressful days ahead of her.
(Oh if only you knew Taehyung, if only you knew 😏😏 *evil laugh goes here*) I close my eyes and instantly fall asleep.

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