Laughing Jill:My Original Story

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Her name was Jill. She had a way of making you mesmerized just by glancing at her. She had a face that stuck with you even when you tried so hard to forget. Her dad wasn't much of a parent,let alone a human. He was drunk all the time and didn't have a care in the world. Jill grew up and watched her father's hour glass slowly run out. When she was 14 it didn't surprise her when she got home from school and her dad was being carried out of her house in a body bag. Where's Jill's mom you ask,well she died after giving birth to Jill; which is why Jill's dad started drinking and blamed her for almost everything.Jill's aunt Sally was never really in her life but she took Jill in anyways.Jill figured anything was better than where she was for the past 14 years. Jill never had many friends either. She was labeled the quote 'Freaky Ass Bitch'. Jill just let it roll off her shoulders, nothing like that really bugged her anyways. Maybe things would be different with aunt Sally. She had  been in her life only months but anything Jill needed aunt Sally was there and gave her only the best. Aunt Sally was rich and pretty much owned a city the way her house took up land. Jill  had her own room and walk in closet but something felt wrong. Like Jill  said she  loved the house but aunt Sally worked in the circus and kept random clown things around.  It scared the hell out of Jill to walk down the halls in the night and bump into huge clown figurines. The one that scared her the most was called Laughing Jack. He had a striped shirt and a pointy spiral nose. There was many scary ones around the house but for some reason laughing Jack stuck with Jill. One night when her aunt had to go to a meeting Jill was trying to sleep the best she could. She rolled over in bed and saw a full circus in front of her. There were many tents but Jill was drawn to the biggest one in the middle. She got out of her bed and stepped into the soft soil beneath her. She started walking but stopped when she heard music playing. It wasn't you're average circus music but it was one of her favorite songs,Taking Over Me by Evanescence. She walked closer to the big tent and the music grew increasingly louder.  As Jill approached the the opening the curtains to the tent opened and there stood Laughing Jack.  Jill gasped as her eyes widened.  She turned to run away when Jack spoke. "Going so soon,Laughing Jill?" he said in a sinister tone. Jill looked down at herself to see she was wearing the same clothes as Jack. She touched her nose and realized she had the same pointed spiral nose as him. Jill turned to Jack as he said "Welcome to my circus,my beautiful laughing Jill.

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