The evening had crept up upon us sooner than we had initially realized, it was already well over nine o'clock and we had done absolutely nothing productive all day. All we did was marinate in the anger and hatred we experienced earlier and binged on various Netflix shows while eating Chinese take out foods. The typical white trash routine if you were to ask me.
Although I knew it was obligatory, I did not want to endure the tortures of your regular high school education. I was probably going to end up convincing Nathan and my mother to let me stay in sick for a day, or fifty, depends on the mood really. It was a huge pet peeve of mine that I couldn't get rid of, whenever I had to face any responsibility or any inconvenience whatsoever, I just ran, ran far away and hibernated in self pity until the whole commotion was over. Now that I think about it dearly, I would be a horrible adult - and I'm almost there! Hide your cats 'cause I have a feeling there will be fire!
We were currently on the last episode of the series called Stranger Things and I was pretty into it, I already looked into it and there was a second season announced which makes my blood boil with thrill. Nothing lasts forever, however and I had to face the crushing reality - it was going to take a few months, damn it, Netflix! I want it now!
Someone decided to disrupt my awful train of thoughts that was about to fall off of the railway it once safely resided on. "Hey, Jordan, you gonna stay the night?" It was Allison, it was a complicated question because I promised I would spend more time with my mother, it was tempting to just nod and submit into their grasp but I couldn't. In the pit of my gut I felt like my family was already falling apart and I didn't want to pass up an opportunity to stay in the barely-functional zone for as long as I could. I shook my head, indicating I'd be going home.
"What do you mean you're not staying?" Nathan suddenly muttered, his head was comfortably placed on my shoulder blade and I only now realized we were in this position.
"I promised that I'd spend more time with my mom, things aren't really great at home right now, I think my parents are going to get a divorce.." I trailed off sadly, probably saying too much. The room went quiet, but the silence we were in was malicious, it was so inexplicably loud and I felt my head starting to ache.
Suddenly Allison hugged me from the side and I had both twins at each side of myself, securing me in tight grasps. "It's okay, Jordan, we'll be there for you no matter what happens, okay?" She said with a soft voice, so unlike Allison, I didn't want to make an audible response since that would require effort so I opted in for nodding instead. I felt really safe being in my current position, it was such a foreign feeling for me, because I was always on edge, expecting the worst from people. As foreign as this situation was.. I liked it and I wanted to feel safe. I didn't want to be bound to the chains of anxiety that seemed to keep dragging me and my self-esteem down a dark pit where light did not reflect any further.
Breaking The Jock
General FictionMeet Jordan, a shy eighteen-year-old boy, who had just started senior year in the sunny state of California. He's a quirky, nerdy boy who happens to like other boys and that's why people don't like him there. Enter Nathan, the star quarterback of th...