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Finally it was your second day at Seoul University.

After you finished with all of your classes, you decided to study at the library as you already received your first assignment.

On your way there, something embarrassing happened to you.

You tripped and the skirt you wore ripped right on the right side which exposed your thigh.

You were as red as tomato and you couldn't do anything as you were so embarrassed.

Students who were there only giving you a look but they didn't even help you.

You hang your head down then suddenly you could feel a presence right behind you.

"Are you okay?", it's a male voice, and your face became more redder.

You just nodded as for reply.

"Can you stand up?", he asked again.

And of course you nodded again.

You stood up and immediately a blazer wrapped around your waist.

You looked up and that person was right in front of you.

"Done", he said as soon as he had done tie his blazer around my waist, covering your exposed thigh.

"T-thanks", you thanked him, stuttering.

But his face somewhat looked so familiar to you.

You tried to recall back and then you remembered.

He is your senior and yesterday he was the one who gave you and your group a tour around the university.

As you realized he is your senior you immediately bowed to him.

"Annyeonghasaeyo sunbae-nim (senior)! Thank you so much for helping me!", you greeted him and bowed again.

"Its okay, you were there too right? When I lead a tour around the university", he asked.

You nodded.

'He remember me!! Senpai did notice me', you were literally dying but only in your imagination. HAHA.

"I'm Yoon Jisung by the way, and you are..?", he asked for your name.

"I am (Y/N)", you said and he gave you his sweetest smile which made you melted right away.

"So are on your way to the library?", he asked, still with the sweetest smile.

"I was but I tripped so I think I will just head back to my dorm", you replied.

"Uhh but I was on my way to the library too and I was just going to ask you to accompany me at the library but, hmm never mind", his smile changed into a pout.

'Wait, what?! He just pouted!', you thought

"R-really, Jisung sunbae? O-oh its okay I will just head back to my dorm later, l-lets go to the library", you said stuttering as you were flustered.

"Are you sure?", he asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes, 100% sure, of course!", you replied and gave him reassuring smile.

He smiled and was clapping.

'What a weird sunbae', you thought.

At the end, both of you walked to the library together and study (nah, you both just talked most of the time).


Yay done with the  first imagine~

Hopefully, you guys like this first imagine.

And of course please look forward for the second imagine~

Lastly, thanks a lot guys and of course much love from me,


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