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It was around 10pm that day and your stomach was growling asking for food as you didn't have dinner yet.

You went to the kitchen only to find out there's nothing to eat, then you realized you haven't done groceries shopping yet.

You decided to have ramen at the nearest convenience store.

As you walked through the door of the convenience store, you saw a person with a long hair, in yellow training suits with a doll attached around her waist. You assumed the person as a she as that person had a long hair.

'Latest fashion huh?', you thought to yourself and immediately made your way to the ramen section.

You pick a cup of ramen and pay for it at the counter, but that person who was in that yellow training suits was nowhere to be seen.

You just shrugged the thought off and cooked your ramen instead.

You sat at one of the seats that the store had provided and waited the ramen to cook

"Eating ramen at night is the best isn't it?", someone said to you, it was a male voice.

You turned to your right only to see that person who was in that yellow training suits.

You gasped as you were in shocked.

"Why are you looking so shocked?", he asked.

"N-no nothing, it's just... just now I thought you were a she so I didn't expect you are actually a guy as you have a very long hair, mianhae", you replied.

"Gwaenchana, I heard that a lot", he gave you such a sweet smile that made you blushed so hard.

"So can I join you eating ramen tonight?", he added.

"Y-yes o-of course why not", you said, stuttering.

While you were eating, you were contemplating whether to ask him about something or just kept yourself quiet.

"Why? Do you have something to ask me about?", he asked, suddenly.

'Did he just read my mind?', you thought to yourself.

"First, I don't mean to offend you, but may I know why are you dressing like this?", you asked him carefully.

All he did was laughing.

"Hahaha. But it's a secret, I can't tell you", he said.

"Wae? Just tell me", you still wanted to know.

He asked you to come closer so he could whisper something into your ear.

"I am actually in disguise so I can't tell you my identity", was all he said.

"Okay fine, I'm not that curious though", you lied.

He just laughed it off.

"But still, can I have that doll?", you asked for the doll that was on his waist which was super cute!

"Yes sure, I have tons of it at home", he said.

"But promise me one thing, you have to take a good care of it and you have to meet me once again", he added.

"Yes, I promise! Wait what?! You said to promise you one thing then why there's a two", you argued.

"It's 2 in 1, didn't you heard of it before?", he said in sarcasm.

"Whatever~", you scoffed.

"Anyways, if the next time you meet me, I will tell you my identity", he said, looking so serious unlike just now looking so sarcastic.

You were in contemplating as you really want to know his identity.

At last, you agreed to meet him and of course the doll is yours.

The day you met him once again, he looked totally different.

He was in suit with his hairstyle looking so perfect.

He looked so charming which made your heat skipped a beat.

He also told you that he's actually son of one of the prestigious company in Korea, so he wore that training suit whenever he runaway from home so no one could find him.

At first you didn't believe him as you think of him as a swindler, but then he brought you to his office.

"Shall we meet again , (Y/N)", he asked and gave you his charming smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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