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As soon as you arrived at your school, you straight away went to your locker to get some books for the first class.

As you opened the door of the locker, there's a banana milk with a yellow memo stick on it.

The note said, 'meet me at the rooftop as soon as you see this'.

By looking at the handwriting you could tell that it was from your boyfriend, Ha Sungwoon.

You smiled and made your way there while wondering why he asked to meet you there.

You saw him from afar but his back was facing you so you decided to surprise him.

You walked tiptoeing toward him and BOO!

He turned around to face you with his face looking so startled.

You laughed like a mad person at the moment you saw his startled face.

"Yah! I almost die aigoo", he said while calming himself down.

You stopped yourself from laughing and gave him a hug instead.

"Mianhae~", you apologized by using your cutest voice ever.

"Gwaenchana", he chuckled. HA FAIRY IS SO CUTE.

"Why did you asked me to meet here?", you questioned him.

"Nothing I just want give you this...", he then crouched down and pick up a box that was on the ground.

You just realized that there was a box there as you were too busy laughing.

It was not just a box.

There's a cake in it.

"Saengil chukahae (Y/N)~ but I don't think you should eat the cake though because I accidently dropped it when you surprised and the cake is now all ruin", he pouted. HA FAIRY IS SAD.

"Jinjja mianhae, Sungwoon-ah~ I didn't know you were holding it. I'm so so so sorry. Please forgive me. And no matter what I will finish the whole cake!", you said.

Suddenly the pout turn into a smirk which made you wondered what he's up to.

"No, you don't have to finish the whole cake (Y/N)-ah~", he said, still with a smirk on his face.

Suddenly, he smeared the whipping cream from the cake onto my face.

"YAH, HA SUNG WOON!!!", you yelled his name out loud and chase after him as he already ran away from you.

At the end, both of you ended up chasing each other and both of you were late for the first class, of course.

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