Chapter 36: Protecting Shnookums

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fun level 74 Original MC Sans and Frisk

Saying not to talk about the past was one thing. To actually accomplish it, was tougher. Sans didn't say anything much to Alphys except she needed to turn her disguiser off and wander around briefly inside a store. She hated that idea, especially when he said he'd be back in twenty minutes. 

He couldn't risk staying with Frisk, but he couldn't risk not to do this either. She was waiting in the lot for them to pull up, and he took off without even parking.  

"So, Rose, I need what you just got," Sans said to Alphys. "Next time I break." He drove several more miles before he parked in a fast food area, and took her disguiser. He started to adjust it. "Close your eyes, Rose." He looked toward Frisk. 

Even though she wasn't a monster, it should still give her some kind of disguise too. Plus, he needed to see if his plan could actually work. He placed it in Frisk's hand and turned it on. "Hide that," he whispered. He took his own and adjusted it too. Please let this work. It was a primitive hiding device, but he was pretty sure he could get it. "Okay, Will you open your eyes, Rose?" 

Alphys looked at Frisk, and toward him. "How'd you do that?" 

"How's she look?" 

"Different and taller." 

"Good. Let me see yours." Sans adjusted hers too. "See, the thing about hiding with identities . . . three shorty shorts like all of us are going to stand out no matter what." He looked toward Frisk. "Bonnie, don't be surprised when people are talking to you above your head. You're tall, without really being tall. Hey, what's her hair color?" Sans asked Alphys. 

"She's blonde." 


"Don't start," Frisk warned him. "So, I have to hide too. I guess that makes sense." 

"Rose," Sans said looking back toward Alphys. "Need you to check on the movers. We should have them when we arrive." He put the car back in drive and started heading away.  

Not long now. Their new town wasn't far now.


As they pulled up, someone else got out of an expensive car in front of them. "Hello. Mr. And Mrs. Shortensweet?" 

"And grandma Shortensweet," Alphys said, making her voice sound older. 

"Oh yes, can never forget about grandma," the lady chuckled as she looked toward Frisk. "Such an exciting time, isn't it Bonnie?" 

Bonnie? First names. They must have made her a good commission. Frisk shook her hand. "Yes. Very exciting. Barely believe it's happening." 

"Oh, a new home is always exciting. Especially for a newly married couple," she insisted. 

"Oh yeah, Bonnie just couldn't keep me away," Sans said. "Come on, Shweetums, let's go see the new house." 

Shweetums? Please don't let that be what replaces ladykid 

"What about Papyrus and Krisp E. Cream?" Frisk inwardly winced. "Oh shoot, I mean the others. Um." 

"You're a lot better at acting when you've got something in your brain," Sans said. "Just relax. Tate and Kitty will be fine for a few minutes." He looked toward the sales lady who couldn't hear them talk but was watching them. "Heh. She's really eager to get inside if you know what I mean?" 

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