Chapter 95: Bubbling Like Oil

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Fun Level 65: Magi was Here

“It’s just you and me,” Frisk said as she gently whipped her cleaning towel. She examined the location of her prey. “I’ve got the best brand named scrubber. All the top cleaners are here with me, and we are going to take care of you.” She approached her prey closer. “I am Frisk, and I won’t stop until I hear you scream.”

“Am I watching a porno or are you trying to clean that spot again?”

Oh no. Frisk hung her head in defeat and turned around. “Sans? I thought you were sleeping?”

“Of course you did, because you didn’t want me catching you messing around that no-no spot again.” Sans approached her with a chuckle. “May actually be reaching this small precipice where I’m getting annoyed by something.” He held his bony fingers up and squeezed them almost together. “Almost. Go on, get back to bed, Frisk.”

“I’m not tired,” she insisted.

“It’s six in the morning,” Sans grabbed her hand insistently. “Don’t give me not tired at six in the morning. It’s. Just. A. Spot. Nothing big. I don’t really want to take determination out this early in the morning. I want to sleep.”

“Come on, Sans,” Frisk urged him. “Please?”

“Come on, Frisk.” Sans patted her hand. “It’s high time you borrow some of my monster.”

“No, really, it’s fine. I’ll stop,” Frisk insisted. “Really, no, I don’t want any.”

“Will you just?” Sans scolded her as she moved away. “You need to take some anyhow. I’m sure with my monster soul you can do that thing called rest. Guarantee it. So just give up that human shyness, let me sit down with you and let’s exchange a little?”

“I’m fine.”

“I’ll let you have it,” Sans said, gesturing to his cupboard. “I will give you a whole hour to go to town on that pesky spot you hate. Trade a little with me, and you are good.”

Frisk fidgeted, and tapped her feet. She looked toward the cupboard, and back toward Sans. She looked back toward the cupboard. She looked toward Sans. She looked back toward the cupboard.

She looked toward the corner where another skeleton she recognized from pictures as Papyrus, stood with another human.

“Papyrus!” Sans couldn’t have been more joyful as he trotted toward his brother. “Where the heck ya been? You just up and left! You okay?”

“Okay, yes. I decided that . . . that it was time I came clean about something.” Papyrus gestured toward the human.

“Sup.” The human addressed Sans quite formally, even more formal than Frisk. “So, a new family member is all bunched up in my tummy, just to stop that niggle of wonderment in your skull.”

“Family?” Sans looked toward Papyrus. “You’re having a little monster?”

“Guilty, yes?” Papyrus gestured toward Amanda. “I um. I guess I was lonely, and wanted to have a family.”

Frisk felt her determination stir again. Her feet started to fidget, knowing she couldn’t do anything. “I hardly meet other humans. A true honor to meet you, Miss.”

“Amanda,” she said.

“Yes, of course.” Frisk bent down toward Amanda’s tummy. “And nice to meet you Night and Day.”

“Wow.” Sans looked toward Papyrus. “You’ve been busy. Um. I kinda let your room go, ‘cause I kind of . . . well, this is Frisk.” He gestured toward her.

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