Chapter 6-Three Minus Bree

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Adam, Aspen, Chase and Leo were sitting on the hot top in the hallway when Bree walked over to them. 

"Hey, did you guys know we had a study abroad program?" She asked.

"Why would I go to another country to do something I don't do here?" Adam asked, watching Aspen play with his fingers.

"Look." Bree opened the pamphlet about the program, "It says you get to spend a while semester at a high school in Australia. And guess what? I applied."

"Cool. Kelly Porter went last year. She got sucker punched by a kangaroo." Leo told her.

"Uh, no, no, no. No way." Bree shook her head. "This is my thing. I mean I can finally be on my own. I can study, tavel, make new friends...." 

"Mmm. I hate to be a wet blanket." Chase interjected. 

"No you don't." Leo shook his head while Aspen giggled.

Chase ignored him, "But Mr. Davenport is never gonna let you do this." He told his sister, "You can't go on missions if your halfway across the world." 

"Well, sure I can. I mean I haven't figured out all the details but there's gotta be a way to make it work." Bree said. 

"Not unless these two can unlock an ability where I disappear and reappear somewhere else." Leo said. 

"Let me try." Adam squated and started to grunt. "Didn't work." 

"You didn't do it long enough." Chase smirked, "Try again. This time, more grunting." 

Adam tried it again as the others moved to the other side of him. He opened his eyes and they cheered for his ''accomplishment". 


Aspen laid across Bree and Adam while Chase sat in the kitchen tuning his guitar. Adam starred down at his fiancee as he ran her fingers through her hair, a smile on his face.

"Bree is there something you want to tell me?" Donald walked into the living room and Aspen sat up. He did not look happy, and Aspen liked it. 

"I got this." Adam stood up, and Aspen pouted at the loss of heat from her fiancee. "Look, we all like you but we think Tasha could've done better." 

Donald gave him a look, turning back to Bree, "I just got a phone call that said you've been accepted to study in Australia." 

"Wait, what?" Bree let out a shocked laugh, standing up, "That's crazy! Did they mention what day I'm leaving?" 

"You're not going." He told her. 

"Why?" She asked as Aspen walked over to where Adam was digging in the fridge.

"Come on Bree!" Chase said, "It was obvious! Even Adam saw that one coming!"

"No idea what you're talking about." Adam shut the fridge door, "Already moved on to cold cuts and my girl." 

"You can't abandon the team. What if Adam and Chase picked up and left for a month?" 

"I'd be sad." Aspen pouted which made Adam smile and lean down to kiss her. 

"Well then, I wouldn't have to go to Australia." Bree told him, "I wouldn't just be leaving you guys. I can super speed back anytime you need me. And Aspen can help them!" 

"Aspen's not doing anything dangerous unless she absolutely needs too." Adam spoke.

"That's not the only issue. What about your bionics?" Donald asked, "Your training? You're capsule?"

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