Another peek on future

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Authors note: Hey guys! I'm sorry that I can't update quickly due to school and...

General laziness...*slowly straps kevlar vest*

And the new story...*puts on helmet*

Also going to add another story after this...*loads shotgun for defense*

So I'm going to say sorry in advance because I'm going to make another story after this, so that means slower updates.

I need to clear my mind by making my story ideas come to reality...

So sorry, longer updates...*takes cover from possible angry readers*


You were on M5 Stuart's commanders hatch, with other tanks escaping with you.

And T95 and TOG 2 trying to keep up with all of you......

You: Guys, why don't some of you change to their human form and ride one of the tanks.

M5 Stuart: Oh let me explain big bro!

1 minute later....

She explains that if the tank girl shifts to her human form and rides a tank or any other vehicle, their weight is still the same from their tank form. But their weight would be more normal when they walk or being carried by a human.



Hetzer: 15 Tons

ASU-57: 3 Tons

If ASU-57(human form) rides Hetzer(tank form), Hetzer's weight would be 18 tons, but if a human carries ASU-57(human form) her weight would be an average weight of a human.

You: Hm....What a weird world....

M5 Stuart: Don't worry you'll get used to it big bro.

Few minutes later and all of you reached the warehouse where the tanks live.

You: Now that we're on a safer place, mind telling me about those purple tank girls.

Tiger P: They're our enemy that we defeated years ago. And they already told you what their reason to start a war so little explanation needed. We thought they were all destroyed but I guess some of them escaped and secretly created corrupted copies of tanks.

You: So now what?

Tiger P: We need to go to the main base where we can prepare for the upcoming war.

She said calmly like nothing bad will happen.

You: Wow. I guess my weird adventures is just beginning. (Finally some tank battles!)

Hetzer: By the way, where is TOG 2 and T95?

TOG 2: Turtle!

T95: Sinking ship!

AMX-13: No need to ask. They're coming in close.....slowly....

AMX-13 pointed at the window showing T95 being pushed by TOG 2 while ASU-57 and Type-97 are driving circles around them.

Both heavy tanks are insulting each other for their speed and weight.

AMX-13: While we wait for those two to get inside, we should pack our things and go to the main base because our enemies might start an attack soon and I don't want to get caught unprepared.

She said with a serious manner.

AMX-13: And I won't allow them to touch my future master......

She said in an obsessed manner....

Tank Harem X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now