chapter 1

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Dean Winchester stepped onto the train, with nothing but a backpack and his ticket, that he now handed to the stewardess.

"You'll be in seat 25A." The stewardess said, pointing to somewhere vaguely down by the end of the train. Dean nodded and passed her on his way down to the end of the train.

He walked past seats 22, 23, and 24 before realizing that his seat was at the very back of the train car. It was also the last train car, making him the caboose of the caboose.

"Oh, great." Dean said when he saw his seat. There was nothing wrong with the seat itself, except for that he was next to someone, and in an aisle seat. The only two things Dean wanted on this train ride was to sit alone and have a window seat. And apparently, he wasn't getting either.

Dean slid into his seat and put his backpack on his lap. He glanced at the guy sitting next to him. Dean couldn't see the kid's face, but he seemed to about 16 or 17, so around Dean's age. He was wearing a beige trench coat, which is strange for a teenager on a train ride. He was looking out the window, almost like a depressed kid that would be in an angsty music video. Considering he had headphones in, he probably was pretending to be in an angsty music video.

Dean turned his attention away from the mysterious trench coat kid and to his backpack contents. All he had was a couple changes of clothes, a cell phone that only his younger brother Sam could reach, and his dad's wallet, which he made sure to fill full of cash before he left for the train station. There had to be at least a couple hundred dollars in there, enough to get him to a new place. A new life. Also in the wallet was a few fake ID's too, which Dean made sure to hide from the kid next to him.

The stewardess told everyone to remain seated for the next 5 minutes as the train was about to begin moving. Dean sat back in his seat, and waited for the lurch of the train that was about to carry him from a crappy life, to one that was hopefully better.

The train started moving. It was slow at first, but then it sped up continually until it was moving considerably.

Since Dean was in the caboose of the caboose, he could look out the very end of the train, which had a window on it. He gazed out it, watching as he drew further from the city he knew his whole life. Lawrence, Kansas kept getting farther and farther away.

Dean Winchester was finally free.

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