chapter 22

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"Hey, Cas, look." Dean said, pointing to a road sign. The sign read "Welcome to Oregon".

"Cool, now I can tell people that I've been to Oregon." Cas said.

"Hey, Cas, can I ask you something?" Dean said.

"Sure." Cas replied as nonchalantly as possible, even though his stomach was flipping like a gymnast on steroids.

"Why did you decide to get off the train with me?" Dean asked.

"Well, I felt like I had a friend in you." Cas said. "I've been alone for most of my life, literally or figuratively, and for once I wasn't. I was never able to be open and honest with anyone. My family, least of all. But with you, I was actually able to be myself. I didn't want to be alone again."

"Oh, so you did it out of selfish reasons?" Dean asked sarcastically.

"What! No, no way!" Cas said, clearly not taking the sarcasm. "I mean, we were friends and I didn't want you to be alone either."

"Buddy, I'm kidding." Dean said. "I'm glad you came with me. I may be forcing you into a life of crime but I'm still glad you're with me."

"I'm glad I'm here too. It may be slightly terrifying because you drive way too fast-"


"- but it's the most fun I've had in years." Cas said.

"I can agree with that." Dean said.

"Dean, can I ask you a question?"


"Do you think we'll get caught?" Cas asked.

Dean paused. He took a little time to think before responding. "Maybe. I would say there's a 50-50 chance. We're a few steps ahead of the cops but I mean, they're cops. My dad's relentless enough, so they won't stop for a while. But here's the thing, Cas. I won't stop running from them. I won't stop until we lose them. And even if worst comes to worst, I won't let them get you. It's not you they're after, so no matter what happens, I won't ever let you get caught. That's a promise."

Cas was blushing. He couldn't stop his feelings for Dean. It's beyond what he had ever felt for anyone. All he could hope was that Dean felt the same.

"Cas, what do you say we take a second off the run and go to the beach?" Dean asked.

"The beach?"

"Yeah. It's only about 15 miles away. I've never seen the beach and I would like to." Dean said.

"Do we have the time?"

"I think so. Even if we don't, it's worth it. It's the beach."

"Then sure." Cas said. "I would like to see the beach too."

Dean smiled, changing lanes and taking the exit that will take them to the beach.

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