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Chapter Seven –

I had never been in the Dean’s office before. I mean, I’ve spoken to him over the phone – but I never actually had a reason to be in here before today.

“You know the rules.” Mr Hunter continued his scolding, pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked over to Caleb briefly, and found him slouched on the chair with a bored expression.

“Can I go now?” He spoke up suddenly, as If he sensed I was looking at him.

Caleb’s father sent a firm glare in his direction. “You especially. I understand Ella’s excuse; she had no car and is new to the school so was unaware of the curfew set. But you? You’re on thin-”

Caleb let out a frustrated groan before getting out of his seat completely. “I’ve heard this lecture enough times to recite it to you myself. Spare me the recount on how I’m on thin ice and I should be grateful to be here instead of with my mother. Except you keep forgetting that there is where I want to be.” He scowled angrily, before storming out of the office and slamming the door shut.

I stared at the dark wooden door with wide eyes before turning back to Caleb’s dad with a dumbfounded expression just as he let out a tired sigh. “I… I can do community service or something as punishment…” I spoke up awkwardly.

Mr Hunter brought his attention back to me. “Where were you two heading? Were you planning on eloping?”

I choked on my own saliva. “What?! Caleb and me? Where the hell would you get an idea like that?!” I exclaimed, before quickly adding, “Sir.”

“He was driving towards Las Vegas.”

“That would’ve taken us 2 weeks! If we were eloping, we would’ve packed food and water! Not that it’ll ever happen anyway considering the fact that we both pretty much hate each other’s guts!”

Caleb’s father raised an eyebrow at me with a look of caution. “Well you two were bickering when I found you… Fine. Tell me who else was with you last night.”

At that, my mouth snapped shut. I wasn’t ratting anyone out.

“Well?” He pressed, slightly leaning forward over his desk and placing his hands in front of him.

“It was just Caleb and me.” I spoke with an even tone, keeping my face blank.

Mr Hunter’s eyes narrowed at me for what felt like a century, before he leaned back into his leather chair. “I’ll let you go with a warning this time. Don’t repeat this incident again.”

I shot out of my seat and had my hand on the brass handle before Mr Hunter even had time to blink. “Thank you.” I gushed, getting ready to leave.

“One more thing before you leave Ms Parker,” He called out, making my eager body freeze in its position. “I would like you to accompany Caleb to our family dinner tomorrow.”

Any excited nerve that was still attempting to make my body fleet away from the office as soon as possible now shrivelled up and died once the words registered in my mind. “Um… What?” I blurted with a confused expression.

“Go with him, or I will change my mind about the warning.”

I narrowed my eyes at the aging version of Caleb. “That’s blackmail.”

He chuckled. “Take it however you want to; you’re still going to be there tomorrow night or I will revoke your scholarship.”

I stared at the man in both fear and rage as the words left his mouth. “You can’t do that!” I exclaimed angrily.

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