before infinity; toby mcdonough.

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This is my first ever BYE fanfic. I hope it doesn't suck lol

Basically the plot for this whole thing is just a fuzzy cuddly lil toby story lol but other than that it's inspired (take note of the word INSPIRED. it's not an exact copy of the film's plot. it's just loosely based on it) by A Walk To Remember, it CAN get emotional but I can guarantee that nobody will die in this story. I'm not John Green or Veronica Roth.

Also, the basis for the plot is AGAINST THE CURRENT'S SONG called INFINITY! You guys should check that band out, they're rad af.

There WILL be swearing in this fic. I don't think the McDonoughs swear though, or at least not as vulgar as 5SOS LOLOL

There is actually a plan ahead of this story after I heard the song (literally, I was like oh my god this song reminds me of Toby from Before You Exit then I just started scribbling down really cute cuddly Toby scenes or just cute imagines because TOBY! IS! THE! MOST! ADORABLE! THING! TO! WALK! ON! THIS! EARTH!), and I will have a trilogy of this. Each book from the trilogy will have five long ass chapters, and I'll be sure to get to the point. 

I am not responsible for any feels. Also, if Toby and I start dating because Jesus gave me a miracle let's all just pretend none of this ever happened. 

Lastly, the point of view is in third person omniscient (look it up babe) & it is a Toby x reader fanfic. I do not have a face claim for Ellie (who will play his love interest), so it's all you! :) Although Ellie's personality is closely related to my own personality, and there will be some personal things that I wrote in here to give depth to Ellie's character, the other further characters that'll be mentioned may or may not have a face claim and I really forgot where i was going with this okay shit

Oh right that thing where you're like "The characters in this story are purely fictional. Any similarities between them and real individuals are purely coincidential." (I literally just said Ellie takes after me though...dammit, oh well! Ellie is an exception, I guess. I hope you all can relate to Ellie idk dsjkfhjkdf and I hope I don't come off as a total cock for taking Ellie after me bc this story's supposed to be like a release for me and my emotions i just rly wanted to share this with you guys)

wow i talk a lot let's just get on with the damn story i hoPE YOU ENJOOOOOOOY

x Andrea

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