Chapter One: Hogwarts Express

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"Ok! Ready or not here I come!"

Magnolia and Leo were playing yet another round of hide-and-seek on the Hogwarts train. Yes. The Hogwarts train. As in, platform 9 ¾, the one going to Hogwarts, the school for wizardry and all that. Yeah. You know the tale. Anyway, Magnolia and Leo had been best friends. Like, for a long time.

So, you can probably imagine Leo's surprise when Magnolia told him that she was a witch. A half-blood, to be exact. Now, Leo was Muggle-born, but now that he knew too much, and also he has great potential for being a wizard, he was accepted into the magical school for wizardry. Hogwarts. Maggie (Leo's nickname for her) was obviously accepted as well, because they're both on the Hogwarts train, going to Hogwarts. Now, they were playing hide-and-seek, with Maggie as the seeker.

Leo was hiding in a crowded compartment, behind a bunch of wizards' legs. Whenever he made a small movement, somebody from above him would exclaim "Hey!" or something of the sort. But the solution to that was just not to move!

Plus, it was also a bit loud in that compartment, so If Leo sneezed or coughed, it would most likely be covered up. Maggie would never find him here. Even through all the chatter, Leo could hear Maggie's shoes click-clacking up the corridor. She got closer and closer until Leo could see them. Then she stopped. Right in front of the compartment Leo was in. She must have been peering in, but she didn't see Leo, because she moved on. A huge wide grin spread over Leo's face as he knew he succeeded. His cunning wit had helped him yet again.

"Okay! I give up Leo! Where are you?" After about 15 minutes of searching, Maggie quit. Leo came out from under his hiding spot with many exclaims from future wizards and witches above him. He came out of the sliding door of the compartment and straightened his blue T-shirt. He looked up at Maggie with a smug look on his face. She crossed her arms on her chest. "Well?" she asked.

"Well, I've conquered over you and triumphed once again. I've won this round and many more to come," he exhorted.

Maggie rolled her eyes "Shut up," she snapped. "Let's go eat before another game." She went off, with Leo following close behind her.

After many intense rounds of hide-and-seek, with Maggie and Leo both most definitely going over the top with their methods, they had to change into their robes, as they were mere minutes away from Hogwarts. Maggie and Leo had shared a compartment, though they hadn't really used it while they were exploring the parts of the train. Leo moved to a different compartment though, because girl's privacy, you know?

Soon they arrived at Hogwarts, and when they got off the train, they immediately heard a booming voice, with a bit of an accent, but Maggie and Leo couldn't really place where it was from, "Firs' years! Firs' years over here!" Following the voice, Maggie and Leo saw a tall, big man with a long, shaggy beard the color of dark chocolate, with hair to match. They head over, as they were first years.

Maggie and Leo (and the rest of the first years) all get into boats, and head over a lake, to the huge and wonderous Hogwarts. When it came into sight, everyone stopped for a minute and stared. A collective "Ooooohh!" was audible. Well, who wouldn't gape at the Hogwarts? It was GINORMOUS! The castle stood many stories above them, and the place was simply grand! When Leo and Maggie got off the boats, they suddenly got interested in what house they would be sorted into.

"I hope I get Ravenclaw!" said Maggie, in her excited tone.

Leo smiled but replied, "I don't know. It's fantastic and all, but I think I prefer Slytherin,"

Maggie seemed to be thinking, because her face got a bit scrunched up. "Well, Slytherins are a bit cleverer instead of smart."

Leo pretended to be offended by opening his mouth and raising a hand to his chest. "What's wrong with being clever?"

Maggie giggled a bit at her friend's silly antics. "There's nothing wrong with being clever," she says, shaking her head, as her light brown ponytail sways side to side. "I'm just saying, intelligence pays off. And besides, if you were in Slytherin I wouldn't see you as much!"

Leo smiled once again and finally replied, "Yeah, I guess you're right. We'll see when we get there though."

AN: Sorry if this chapter was short! I'll work on making them longer and I hope you enjoy the story so far. If you have any reviews or something please leave a comment. Thanks!

Ciao! <3



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