Chapter 2: The Sorting

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  The first years walked through the Entrance Hall, and then they made their way to the Great Hall in excitement and anticipation. As soon as they walked in, they looked up to the ceiling, which was glittering with stars from the night sky above them.

Maggie heard someone, a girl, saying in a crisp tone, "It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read all about it in Hogwarts: A History." Maggie turned her head in the direction of the voice to see another student, with wavy brown hair.

Maggie was impressed. She must be a pure-blood if she knows so much, she thought. However, after that moment, Maggie was sure she'd never talk to that girl again.

All the first years finally reached the Dining Hall, where the rest of the students waited for them at their house tables.

At the front of the room stood Professor McGonagall, head of Gryffindor, Professor Snape, head of Slytherin, Professor Flitwick, head of Ravenclaw, and Professor Sprout, head of Hufflepuff. And, of course, the headmaster himself, Professor Albus Dumbledore! In front of them was a small stool with a dusty, old, and fraying black witch's hat, no doubt the Sorting Hat.

Before everyone knew it, kids were getting sorted and heading over to their house tables. Maggie and Leo waited in suspense for their names to be called. At one point, the Sorting Hat called out a very special name.

"Harry Potter!"

Students everywhere started to murmur.

"Harry Potter himself?"

"Is it really him?"

"Come on, let me have a better look!"

Even the students at the tables tried standing up to have a glance at the Harry Potter. Maggie and Leo were up at the front, so they could see him clearly. His messy black hair, much like Leo's, and his lighting shaped scar. It was real, and it was right there! Maggie was astonished, but Leo hadn't known anything about him. He leaned in to whisper to Maggie, "Who's that?"

Maggie teared her eyes away from Harry to look at Leo with such a shocked look on her face, he would have thought Harry Potter were famous! Then again, Leo didn't know everything about the wizarding world.

"Who's Harry Potter?!" She replied, incredulously. "Wait...Oh that's right, I hadn't told you. Well, Harry Potter was attacked as a baby by Voldemort. His parents had died, but miraculously Harry Potter only got that scar. Nobody has seen Voldemort to this day."

Leo opened his mouth to ask, but before he could say anything, Maggie interjected, "Voldemort is a very powerful dark wizard, who many people address by You-Know-Who or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. After the incident with Harry Potter, all his followers went into hiding or came out and said they were under his influence and wouldn't go back. Rubbish, if you ask me."

They were suddenly interrupted by loud cheers from the Gryffindor table. Harry Potter must have gotten that house while they weren't paying attention. A couple more students went up and got sorted, and Maggie recognized the girl she saw earlier go up. She was surprised when the girl got Gryffindor instead of Ravenclaw, but oh well.

Soon, the Sorting Hat called out, "Maggie Thundermore!"

As Maggie went up, she turned back to look at Leo, who had given her a huge, dorky smile and a big double thumbs-up. Maggie smiled at his encouragement.

As she sat down on the stool and the hat was placed upon her head, she could hear it begin to talk.

Hmm, yes. Plenty of wit, so you might be fit for Slytherin, but you also have that creativity and intelligence of a Ravenclaw. Yes, very challenging indeed. You seem to have lot of bravery too, that of a Gryffindor, and kindness, that of a Hufflepuff. Very, very challenging but I suppose I'll go with


The Ravenclaw table clapped and Maggie had a huge smile on her face as she head over. She looked back at Leo for a moment, who was still looking at her and smiling. Maggie sat down, elated to be with this table.

"Leo Herston!"

Leo had been called up, and Maggie was eager to see what he would be sorted into. She paid close attention, and crossed her fingers to hope he would be in Ravenclaw.  

Leo was excited as well, though bit nervous. He hoped to be in Ravenclaw with Maggie, but he also hoped to be in Slytherin. He sat down on the small, wooden stool and the hat was placed on his head. He could hear the hat begin talking.

Let's see now, oh. Yes, you have much cleverness and leadership skills. Perfect for Slytherin, but I also see plenty of wisdom and very smart too. Yes, Ravenclaw could be a good choice for you. Ah, but I also see you have kindness, and compassion. Yes, hard one you are. Although, I feel the best choice for you would be


Both Maggie and Leo were a bit disappointed. Leo head over to the Slytherin table, who were clapping, waiting for him. He seemed very excited and happy to be with them, so Maggie's disappointment died down a bit after seeing his expression. 

It might be better this way. They were with people they felt comfortable with, and people who understood them. They could still see each other though, to study in the library, or just to meet up. 

It might be hard but they'll overcome it. 

AN: Hope you're liking the story so far! Please give honest reviews, if you wish to do so.  Once again, this is my first story, so I know it's not my best. Thanks for reading!

Arrivederchi! <3



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