Chapter 5: Midnight Talks

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Witcham street was quiet at 11:59 in the night.There were no sounds of cars honking their horns in the street no sounds of people shouting just peace. "And now a throwback from Bowie, " , the radio began to play out as the young girl turned the music down, being she was supposed to be asleep but how could she sleep from the racket coming from her sister and her sisters boyfriend.

"Oh baby!". she banged against the wall making gagging noises . What did a simple girl have to do to listen to Let's Dance in public pay for a Bowie concert ticket , better yet fly him to do a private concert in her room!. Veronica couldn't take it anymore with Lovino gone for the week with aunt Vivian she was basically alone hearing the sounds of Rachel (What a beautiful record to listen to). Rachel was once again incharge but not at all doing her job to in fact take charge of anything but her big haired lots of hairspray wearing boyfriend who seemed to know a lot in chemistry and biology.


"No not this again... I just cleaned my room from all the blood , it took a lot of bleach too ", she pouted before hearing a rock hit the side of where her room was .

"Dorkus, or Dorkus, wherefore art thou Dorkus...", she mumbled to herself seeing that he was standing there in his pajamas as if he were going to sleep over in her room, Just because he stayed over once didn't mean he was gonna stay over again. Veronica sighed watching him climb up their little garden latter until his arms reached the oning of her window, the crinkles of his lips were turning into a smile on his face as his feet were dangling waiting for the curly haired girl to actually help lift him up since he sucked at push ups. She took him by the hands feeling the smooth touch as she fell backwards from pulling him into her room.

"Don't make any loud noises , one loud thud and you're dying in a casket that'll we'll share" . The pair looking away at each other for a moment , Veronica's eyes looking up at the ceiling not really wanting him to get off her .

"I should probably get off of you ... before this gets awkward and I pop a-" , Veronica pushed him off as he ruined the moment.

"You know.. We could um dance... ", she turned her gaze to the radio turning the volume up as the saxophone solo to the most recognizable song began to play the two began to look at each other wandering about nothing.

"Careless Whispers the best song ever!,", they said in unison as a spark shot off faster than the ones they would set off in Main Street for the 4th of July city parade .

Richie took her left hand and placed it on his shoulder as he took his hand and placed it on her waist. The two began swaying back and forth their eyes locked as he dipped her showing that she trusted him. Yeah she trusted him , she trusted him so much that she felt safe in his arms when he held her or touched her shoulder. But she also wanted him to trust her but how she blushed pondering at his lips then at his eyes a few times hoping he'd get the memo. First kisses were supposed to be fiery and beautiful like in the movies but this was sweet and innocent . Veronica blushed stepping forward in her long nightgown as she kissed him sweetly on the lips just like Rachel did with her boyfriend (If you consider tongues being swallowed whole a kiss). Richie blushed kissing back his glasses fogging up from the heat they were radiating out of embarrassment.

"Veronica.. I can I.." . He smiled walking towards her bed sitting on her Jem and The Holograms pillow , "Truly outrageous huh..", he mumbled watching her climb on the other side of the bed her hands sliding towards his.

"That kiss back there..,isn't gonna ya know",

"I know what...?"

"Mess up our friendship because I like you Ronnie ... like I could marry ya, you know the only other person i ever danced with like that was Eds" .

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