Chapter 11: Love Is Forever

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"Today's the day...I give my daughter away", Roberto smiled watching Veronica laugh as they stood there on the kissing bridge . "I heard Richard invited everyone he knew ..", he giggled latching his arm around hers hearing the music start. Veronica wasn't nervous like she was the first time, she was confident this time happy and waiting to see Richie in the Barrens the place they shared everything with each other . One step forward... another step forward... two steps... three... steps. The thoughts that were going on in her mind were endless , she thought about kids, about a family a little.. About... her vows.

"My vows!!, I forgot my vows..." , Veronica looked back seeing how far they were "crap i gotta improvise talk from the heart!" she smiled as they kept walking, now not as far from the barrens

"It's okay just breathe everything will be fine.." , He kissed her on the cheek before handing her to his best friend (and old fling) Wentworth . Wentworth was nervous walking down the aisle with his daughter in law to be in about 5 minutes.

"You look beautiful.. Like your mother", He smiled

Richie was breathless watching her figure walk down the aisle bringing him into tears as Eddie

stood next to him handing a tissue over . He couldn't believe that ,that angel walking down the aisle was his Veronica his will to live and his will to love .

"Who gives this bride away?"Donald smiled

"We do!", the losers yelled seeing Veronica get teary eyed from their action.

The pair looked at each other breath taken waiting for the part about the vows, she couldn't wait to recite something that she made up on the spot!.

" I'll go first", Richie smiled holding Veronica's hand tightly as he kissed her cheek.

"So I um.. Lost the um this is coming from my mouth... HEART!". Oh thank God veronica laughed to herself seeing she wasn't the only one who forgot about her vows.

"When I first met you... which was May 31st 1989.. I thought wow what a babe ", he paused hearing everyone laugh."Like no seriously she was a babe like a serious babe ." he giggled " And I knew you were the one even after you called me Dorkus or dingus, or an Idiot .. but it didn't matter because you, you loved me for me , be it my bad jokes or the time i tried to pet a squirrel and it tried to eat my face .",

"Wasn't that yesterday".. Bev whispered

"Anyways Veronica... I love you because you loved me for all that i am'. He blushed seeing Veronica cry from both love and laughter.

"Richie when I first met you, honestly you annoyed me but you were nice enough to give me your glasses when I couldn't see , make me laugh in my times of darkness, gave me a piggyback ride because you sucked at stree fighter , but most importantly you made me fit in, in time where I thought there was no one to understand me.,... in a time where the stars were our get away and our wounds healed.." She giggled trying not to cry "and here we are where it all started for us... this tiny little town of nothing but we made something out of it ...'. Bill sniffled watching the two look at each other.

"Love.. we turned our fears into love my sweet Dorkus". Veronica pulled him close and kissed just like that midnight when they were kids as droplets of snow began to fall in her hair , she was happy and in bliss surrounded by ally her friends and family and a few celebrities.

"I now pronounce you Mr. And Mrs. Tozier"

"They totally just tuned you out Mr. Uris", Mike whispered .



"Ronnie!!throw the bouquet already!!" Mike yelled from the wedding party table watching Bill on the dance floor waiting for the bouquet toss. (Not to say that Bill was gonna catch it but) 1..2..3..., The flowers wrapped in pink ribbon flew across Veronica's head and into the arms of

"I GOT IT SIS!", Lovnio shouted excitedly holding it in his hands gushing over the petals and how orange they were.

"And now for the garter toss", The Dj announced as Richie searched up her leg looking for it

"Try the left leg dear", She winked

"Found it.. So like do i throw it , do i sling shot it what the hell do i do with it?" He sighed before just tossing it over his head as Mike caught it , how lucky was he to get a little symbol of hopefully a future marriage. 


“Hey Ronnie take it easy on yourself”, One of her studio employees said seeing her feet were swollen . Veronica was  only 2 months away from her due date but that wasn’t gonna stop her from getting her studio, her own studio that she owned by herself on track on their new series that were coming out soon. “You should let us do the work and you head home to mr. Tozier”. And that’s what Veronica did, just that.

“Richie sweetie are you home.. Baby..muffins yo!”,  Richie laughed kissing her from behind scaring her a little. He knew that she was way to scare but he also knew that Veronica could also have this baby at any moment and really wanted to meet his little girl.

As days passed Veronica was miserable from appointments to false alarm visits to the hospital and trips to the buffet  . But not today,  today was the real deal the big birthday the big birth of a baby girl.

“ VERONICA  BREATHE  BREATHE!!!!” , Richie shouted holding her hand losing his calm as they got her straight into a hospital room.

“ Richie I'm calm.. And no pain, “ she laughed forgetting that he was going thr  ough her labor pains for her, although it sounded weird it was the cutest and painful couple like feeling e ver .he had her morning sickness, her weird cravings , some of her mood swings,  and now

“ RICHIE GET THIS BABY OUT OF ME NOW!!!!” , she clenched her teeth finally feeling her own pain from it like her whole body was ripping in half.



It was now midnight in a New York  morning and there she was in his hands a beautiful curly haired baby who had a smile on her face and great grip on fingers.  She was so little and yet so much like him that he couldn't help himself but laugh and kiss her face. Their first child ( and definitely not their last either) .

“ I promise to protect you and love you , and make you laugh and be the best dad… and she's sleep …” Richie groaned handing her back to Veronica .

“ she's opening her eyes….”  , she giggled watching the little baby look up at her with her beautiful eyes just like her father , her teethless mouth open being that she was hungry .

“HEY YOU CAN'T SUCK THOSE” Richie protested laughing as the baby gave him a side eye .

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