I rushed to my locker and shakily did my combination, having to start over once or twice before I actually got it right. When I finally cracked the code, I took out my books I needed and closed my locker, making my way outside towards the buses.
I found mine and stepped inside, looking down and making sure not to trip on anything as I got to the back to sitting in my usual seat. Of course, Christian sat in the seat across the one I usually sit in. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he's trying to get my attention or annoy me. I took out my earphones from my bag and stuck them in my ears to tune out the noise, making sure to select a playlist that didn't include I'll Be.
Next thing I knew, the school bus was stopping at the end of my street, and I was rising from my seat. I stumbled off the bus, feeling self-conscious, since I knew Christian was walking behind me and watching my every move. Since his house was right next to mine and the bus dropped us off a bit further down the street, that meant we had to walk a few minutes until we could reach our front doors.
When I finally reached mine, I slammed the door shut and went up to my room to finish the small amount of homework I hadn't gotten time to finish at school. That barely took any time at all and I was now let with nothing else to do but wait for the rest of my amily to get home in half an hour. My brother would arrive first from college at 4:15, then my mom would arrive at 5:45 with my younger brother, who was at day care and my dad would come home at 6:10.
I started walking around the house, quietly singing along to my iPod. Without even noticing, I ended up in my dad's detached garage at the side of the house. I had never really come in here, so it surprised me to see the dozens of shelves fixated to the walls, stacked with various items of all kinds that he had collected over the years.
There were multiple colored golf balls, ping pong balls, old tennis and squash rackets, a worn out jumping rope, an old, dusty baseball mitt, soccer cleats, an aluminum baseball bat, a deflated volleyball, swimming goggles, and a stack of dirt covered hockey pucks on the shelves of one wall. On the other wall, dozens and dozens of sports trophees were lined one next to another. As I took a closer look, I noticed they all had my father's name engraved on them. Had he won all these? In one corner sat an old hockey net, hockey sticks and a big equipment bag. Next to it was a pair of roller blades and a pair of ice skates.
Why had I never set foot in here anyways? It's been here for as long as I can remember... Why didn't curiosity get the best of me before?
Then, just as I was about to walk back to the house, I saw a skateboard. But that wasn't just any skateboard - it was Christian's old skateboard.
-"Masidon! Look what I got!"
It was Christmas morning, I was 8 years old, and I was just about finished opening my presents when Christian burst through the door, a skateboard clutched under his arm. He was only wearing his spiderman pajamas and a pair of snow boots.
"Christian! Dear, did you just run from your house in this weather wearing only this?" my mom fussed, running over to Christian. His shoulders were covered with snow, which was slowly melting and soaking through his shirt. His hair was completely wet and water drops were running down his cheeks. His whole body was shivering as he shook his head.
"No... I walked" he smiled weakly. "Oh dear, Madison go get Christian a blanket! Poor thing, you must be frozen! You'll catch a cold!" my mom worried, pulling Christian next to the fireplace.
I quickly ran to the couch and grabbed the big, fuzzy, red blanket. I brought it to Chris and helped wrap it around his shoulders. He smiled and patted next to him, so I sat down with him. My mom soon came back with two steamy cups of hot chocolate, with marshmallows swimming on top. We took the drinks gladly, sipping occasionally on them as he showed me his skateboard.
"Santa brought it to me! My mom said it was because I was a good boy this year so he made me a new one... Do you want to learn how to skateboard Madi? I could give you my old one!" He proposed, and I smiled brightly at him. "But the road's full of snow!"
"I can teach you in the summer, then you'll be a pro like me!" he said excitedly.
Christian never got to teach me how to skateboard. He was always at the skatepark, where I'd tag along and watch him practice his tricks, or at the park with me and his other friends playing around. We never really took the time to hang out just the two of us and learn. So the old skateboard that he gave me stayed in my dad's garage all that time, unused.
I slowly picked it up from against the wall. The wheels were a washed out yellow color and the bottom of the board was a yellow, green and blue pattern. I slowly brushed my fingers along the lines. It was just the same as I remembered it.
I don't know what happened next, but I ended up in the driveway with the skateboard under my foot, casually rolling it forward and backwards. After a few minutes, I stood up on it and started pushing off the pavement, rolling in straight lines and stopping. It wasn't really difficult, I thought. Why did everyone say it was so complicated?
However, once I started trying to ride in circles, I realized what was so difficult. I nearly fell off the board, catching myself right on time, jumping after the board when it started rolling down the driveway, towards the street. I caught it right in time and noticed my brother's car turning the corner. He pulled in the driveway and smiled at me, nodding his chin towards the board as I jogged to his opened window.
"You found Christian's old skateboard?" he yelled over the roaring sound of the engine.
"Shhhh! His bedroom window's open!" I whispered, looking up at his house. I glanced up just in time to see Christian's head disappear from the window. Was he watching us?
"So? Maybe he'll come down and help you, you obviously need it" he joked, smirking. "Hey! That's mean! And I was just seeing if I was good, I'm not that bad for somebody who never skated before!" I defended myself.
"Whatever makes you feel better sis" Joel teased, cutting the engine and opening the car door.
He stepped out and walked over to where I left the skateboard. He hopped on it and started circling his car, making jumps with it and twirling it around under his feet. "I never knew you skateboarded!" I gaped at him, making him chuckle. I had never even seen him set foot on a skateboard in my life.
"Well you weren't spending any time with me during the summer back when we were kids, had to find something to do with my life." he smirked, handing the skateboard back to me.
I took the skateboard and stored it back into the garage before following Joel inside the house. I guess I didn't know my brother as well ad I thought.
"So, how was the first day of school?" he asked as he pulled off his shoes. "Not bad." I answered vaguely. "Anybody interesting in your classes?"
I hesitated before answering, debating whether or not I should tell him. I usually tell my brother everything - even about the bullying- so he'd know right away if I was lying.
"Just spit it out!" he pressed, losing patience. I mumbled a reply, and he frowned at me. "What? I'm sorry but my ears didn't quite get all that" He said sarcastically, pretending he was cleaning his ear with his pinkie finger. I sighed at his immatureness.
-"Christian's sitting next to me in math class" I said slowly, looking at my brother's reaction.
He just looked back at me and smiled. "Did you talk?" He smiled, and I frowned at him. "No! Why would I talk to him? You know what happened-"
"Maybe it's time to let things go, Madi." He said carefully, assessing my reaction before continuing. "You know, he might not have meant what he said, maybe it-"
"Joel you don't understand" I sighed, turning away and walking up to my room. "I can't let him hurt me again" I mumbled, mostly to myself, as I padded up to my room. I shut the door behind me and layed down on my bed, turning on my music again.
I just want to forget about all this.

My Long-Lost Best Friend
AléatoireMadison and Christian have been best friends for as long as they can both remember. One falls for the other, and they're happy together. When an anonymous hater rips the duo apart, they no longer talk to each other. When fate gives them a chance to...