Nieve Poet ; "Regarding Arms"

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The arms of ones body may be a representation of the arms of the mind. There are some who have more, and some less. The extended reach and pose-ability of ones arms is only but an image. The true potential is the mind of one who has them. The arms of the mind can be described as tendrils; sifting and swirling through the many thoughts. One can only grasp as much as he has hands to take hold with. One who has two hands can grasp less then the one with six. Those who believe they have more, when in reality they have but a small number, are fools, doomed to fail. Thus, the one who realizes that he has an amount only according to what he has, he is a wise man. For one who realizes what he has and doesn't have can reach inside to find how to use what he has in a more powerful manner instead of longing for what he has not. For I say, and you would do well to hear, that ones arms not only determine their grasp, but also their reach. Yes I say to you, if one can harness their arms toward their will, they can extend their mind's perception elsewhere. The full reach of an arm extends to more places than just the one the body exists in. In the power of your mind and it's reach, I say to you, you can extend yourself into more places at once! I must leave you now, but in regards to what has been said, stay vigilant and reach within to find the true potential of the mind.

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