{JC's POV}
I jammed my phone into my pocket when Ms. Raskin began to walk the aisles, eyes on our crotches-- as she says, she is "checking for phones in our laps".
"JAAAAYYYYCCCEEEE CAAAYYYYLEN." Ms. Raskin's eyes drifted towards my crotch. "I see you have your phone out, is that right, mhm."
"Nah, you are just tryin' to find a reason to stare at my crotch more, aren't yah?" I moved my hand to my pants and began rubbing that area.
"Mr. Caylen! How disrespectful of you!" Her cheeks flashed a blushy red as she darted the other way.
The whole class giggled, and some of the girls bit their lips.
I glanced back at my phone and clicked the home button as the screen lit up. No new notifications.
Once the bell rang its ever-so-loud ring, I bolted out of the room ready to get out of school and home as quickly as possible.
As I forcefully dashed down the hall to my locker, I was greeted with a beautiful girl.
"Ugh save it." She lifted up her phone to reveal a text message from an unknown number.
I gave her a puzzling look, trying to clue her in that I had no idea what she was trying to proclaim.
"Don't give me that look, JC. I know you sent this." Kristen snarled at me.
"Kristen, chill. I don't even have your number!" I chuckled trying to dismiss the problem. Strangely, she stood there giving me a death stare. I slowly leaned a tad to the left to check out if the buses were about to leave.
"Hey, I gotta run, but check ya later?" I grinned at Kristen.
"No but--" She attempted to grab my arm but i slyly slipped out of her grasp.
{Kristen's POV}
"I could've sworn it was JC who sent the text though.." I rambled on to Colette as she chomped on a strawberry.
"So like. Is this dude hot. Or like, what."
I sighed intentionally loudly to get her to realize it's not always about if a guy is hot or not.
"Bruh, I'm just askin. Chill."
"I'M FREAKIN OUT COLETTE! I GET THIS ANONYMOUS TEXT SAYING 'Hey, I'm growing fond of you. I like watching you walk down the halls.. Your god damn sexy..(;' AND JC SEEMS TO BE DECLINING THAT IT'S HIM BUT I HAVE NO IDEA WHO ELSE--"
"Omg Kristen, take a chill pill. It's probably just a prank text. You only got one right?"
I took a slight breathe. "Yeah."
"Exactly. Don't worry about it." Colette smiled as she dove into the strawberry bowl, her hand a piranha searching for food.
"..Yeah.. Good idea."
"I know. I'm like a bitchy goddess! Bitchy-- but goddess--y!!"
I raised my eyebrows and let out a little "you got your mind full of that one" laugh.
"Well I have to get home or my moms gonna kill me when she realizes I didn't clean my room! Catch ya later hun!"
She blew a quick kiss and zoomed out our front door.
"Yeah, catch ya later Colette." I commented back after she was already driving away in her car.
Later that night, as I turned off my lamp and plugged in my phone to my charger, I noticed I had received another text.