Chapter Seventeen

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I don't really think anyone waits for my chapters to be uploaded, but incase you do, Two chapters in one day!!! Wooooo! :) I am very proud of myself.

Remember to check out @AnaliciaMalik, bcos she is writing the back story between Analicia and Zayn from my story. :)

Thanks for reading!

Vote, Rate, Comment, PLEAAAAASE.

-Briana xx

It's like 4am. And I cannot sleep. I really want to wake Harry up so we can cuddle and watch TV, but he's snoring and he has work in a few hours. I decide to get out fo bed to see if analicia is awake. I swing my legs over the side of the bed, and as I try to stand up a killer pain starts in my abdomen. I scream with out hesitation. i just couldn't hold it in. harry is immediately up and asking what's wrong.

"Babe! Briana! What's wrong!" He screamed he jumped out of bed and ran over to my side.

I am gasping for air, "My-- OWWWWWW. My stomach! I saw grasping my baby bump. It hurts so bad! Harry! Help!" I say, Now crying! 

and the rest is a blur...


Beep. Beep. Beep.

I can hear familar voices, and I am so tempted to throw my alarm clock against the wall. I am so tired, and I have a massive headache, and what feels like cramps. My eyes start to flutter open, and then I hear Harry say, "She is waking up."

Then I start to remember what is going on, and I realize that beep is not my alarm clock, and these aren't cramps.

I finally fully open my eyes, and I see Analicia and Zayn Standing to my left, and Harry on my right holding my hand. He is crying. And now that I look around, Analicia is crying, and even Zayn. Zayn is crying?! What's going on! Am I dying? Is this a memory, did I already die?!

"Wha-What's going on?" I say, and I am taken aback by my own voice, I sound horrible, like an old smoker.

"Hi baby." Harry meakly says trying to smile a bit, though his crying has yet to stop.

"Hi" I say.

"I need to tell you something, but please stay calm. Okay? Everything will be okay. Okay? You need to trust me. We will be okay."

"Okay, Harry. I get it. Please tell me what is going on."

"okay, Do you remeber early this morning? Do you remember what happened?"

I am being talked to like I am five years old, and it is begining to irritate me. But I start to rememer..


"Okay, well I rushed you here, to the hospital, and the doctors did all sorts of ultrasounds, and tests, and monitored your vitals. You are fine, except.." He stopped, he was getting choked up, and then he just began bawling. Zayn rushed over to Harry, and rubbed his back. Harry looked as if he was about to fall over. I looked over to Analicia with a confused expression. She was bawling too, and she walked over to my side. She grabbed my hand, and reached down to kiss my temple. She finally choked out... 

"Briana, you.. You lost one of the babies."

Don't hate me for this cliffhanger. :)xx

In the sidebar is a song I find very touching about losing an unborn child.

I am doing research to mkae this as realistic as possible, and to anyone who has actually had this happen to, I am very sorry. 

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