Chapter 19: I Need U

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"I only had 2 bridesmaids. My sister and my best friend, who I coincidentally, met during the Exclusive." I looked over at Sohyun and I was happy to find her looking at me too. 

"I was seven bridesmaids! If Jungkook picks me, we're going to have a big wedding!" Tzuyu said.

"Well, I won't have any bridesmaids. They're just distracting and since Jungkook and I's wedding will be on SNS and TV, I want all eyes on me." I rolled my eyes at Sana's comment. 

Today we all were sitting around and talking to Queen Jeon. I thought about what Eun-Hee said, now that there are 6 girls. Queen Jeon has been a lot closer to us. 

A/N: If you don't remember Eun-Hee is the Queen's sister.

"I want a big traditional Korean wedding!!!" Yeri yelled 

"Miss Jae-Hwa, you've been quiet, what do you want at your wedding?" Queen Jeon asked. 

"Well, the one thing I've thought about is having my Appa give me away. You know when he takes your hand and puts it in the hand of the person you marry? That's the only part I've ever really wanted." 

"But everyone does that," Sana complained. "That's not even original."

"Well to me, it means the world. I don't care about the dress. Or how big the party will be. I just want to be happy with the man I love and know that my Appa completely approves of my choice." 

"Wow, Jae-Hwa. I respect you!" Yoojung gave me a thumbs up. 

"I love it. Isn't that what it's mainly supposed to be. The happy day where you can finally and officially be with the one you love, knowing that your family approves." Queen Jeon smiled at me. 

Shortly after, the wedding talk died down, and the queen left to go work in her room. Sana parked herself in front of the large television embedded in the wall, and the others started a card game.

I left the Women's Room to go to the bathroom, taking my time walking down the gorgeous hallway. I wasn't sure I would ever get over how spectacular it was here. I was so distracted that I ran smack into a guard as I turned the corner.

"I'm so sorry!" He held on to my elbows, helping me regain my self. 

"No! It was my fault. I didn't look where I was going! Thank you for catching me, officer...." 

"Just call me, baekhyun. Officer makes me feel too high up." I laughed 

"Thank you, baekhyun. I hope next time I run into, it won't be quite so literal," I joked

"Agree. Have a nice day, Miss Jae-Hwa." I smiled

"You, too." 


My balcony door was open, as well as the one to the hallway, and my room was filled with the warm, sweet air blowing in from the gardens. I had hoped the soft breezes would be a consolation for the fact that I had so much work to do. Instead, they distracted me, making me ache to be anywhere but stuck at my desk. 

"ARA!" I yelled as draped my head over the armrest.

"What are you yelling about? I'm right next to you. Also, I'm your unnie!"

"You're a maid, that cancels everything." She threw a pillow at me. 

"What do you want." 

"THIS!" I threw her my paperwork. 

"Military statistics? I'm a maid remember? I don't know this shit." She threw the paper back at me. 

"AGHHHHHHHH! You are so useless!! I'm getting a new maid! Not even kidding." She just rolled her eyes at me. 

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