part 3...

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Sorry I haven't updated this story...there has been a lot of changes in my life lately And I'm just getting around to it!

6 months later...

Getting back to the way they were before the divorce was proven difficult.... Emma still wasn't trusting Regina fully, and though she still hurt her greatly. Regina realized she deserved it, she deserved much more than losing her beloveds trust....she was just so happy she'd come home.

"Regina?" Emma mumbled groggily, rubbing her eyes as she walked into the master bedroom, Regina spread out across the bed. Emma left her blankets in a pile on the couch, deciding she'd pick them up after she got ready for work. Emma sighed and just walked past Regina into the bathroom, grabbing her tooth brush. She looked in the mirror at herself and shook her head slowly, her eyes were red and puffy, big black circles under each eye.

Slowly the blonde reached over and turned the hot water on, slowly stripping out of her night clothes and getting inside. Emma and Regina weren't sleeping in the same bed...they hadn't been since the divorce, so every night after Henry went off to bed, Emma would collect her stuff and move down to the couch.

She deserved to have the bed, but being the lady that she is...under no circumstances was she gonna let Regina sleep on an uncomfortable couch every night...until Emma decided she was ready to make the switch. Regina grunted and peaked her eyes open slowly as she heard the shower turn on. She slowly stood to her feet and walked slowly into the bathroom. She smiled ever so slightly and began to take her clothes off, staring at the glass shower door, all covered over with fog. Only a shadow of Emma's delicious curves. Regina opened the shower door slowly and sighed as Emma jumped forward, toothpaste running down her jaw and her tooth brush sticking half way out of her mouth. She looked at Regina wish shock and began to slowly cover more. "w-what...are you doing?" She mumbled slowly, feeling slightly guilty for how reserved she looked. Regina looked down and shook her head slowly.

"I-i just....this was a terrible idea. I'll shower downstairs." Regina whipped around and practically flew from the shower, embarrassment covering her cheeks. She understood why Emma wanted to push her away so badly, she deserved it even! But six months later...?

Regina slowly walked downstairs, her body carrying her..feeling numb. The two water lines weren't connected, so her showering wouldn't effect Emma's showers. The beautiful brunette wiped away her tears that fell down her cheeks and shook away the pain, slowly letting the water fall over her head.

Emma let out an audible sigh and leaned her head against the shower wall, beads of water falling from her forehead. She felt bad for not letting Regina in sooner....but she just couldn't help it. They were legally divorced and Emma just wished they could...truly start over. Rebuild their foundation... that was already so torn.

Regina was out of the shower first, feeling completely terrible about herself. She slowly got dressed and walked into the kitchen prepping Emma's lunch. A ritual she still did every morning..she packed a hot cocoa in a thermos, a bear claw for dessert and a delicious sandwich made with homemade bread. Another ritual she had for Emma was leaving a cute note along with every lunch....just a simple gesture. 'Have a great day at work my Emma. Remember, the bear claw is for AFTER your lunch.'

Regina smiled sadly and left the lunch on the table for Emma before walking out the front door without another word. Shortly after Emma walked downstairs, having what seemed to he an important conversation on the phone. "Ruby-" Emma paused, grabbing her keys. She looked up and saw the paper lunch bag on the counter, tearing her eyes away before walking outside. "Yes Rubs, I'll be there shortly." Emma started up her little yellow bug before heading off to work.

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