➷1: Ornithophobia? ➷

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Ornithophobia: the abnormal or irrational fear of birds


Y/N pov

     I shifted in my bed, I felt the soft gentle touch of my blanket resting on my bare arms and legs. I couldn't handle the heat and I quickly shifted so I could escape the warmth that engulfed me.

     Sitting up I pull my legs to my chest and hug them, I let my eyes dance around the dark room. My eyes finally landed on my clock, I studied it for a few seconds letting my mind process what time it is.

3:06 am

     This isn't unusual for me, to be awake at weird hours of the morning. I don't suffer from insomnia, sometimes I just can't sleep. I suffer from severe anxiety. Which can really effect how I make choices in my everyday life. I remember when my anxiety was bad at my old school, I snapped at a peer of mine and punch her square in the face. I swear it was self defense, she terrorized me day after day and I never said anything back out of my high anxiety playing different things that could happen over and over in my head. Once I finally snapped it felt nice to see her tremble and run away, I felt as though I had finally done something to defend myself. Though I guess the school didn't agree, because within the next month my family moved to a small town called Derry. Maine would never be my number one choice to move to but I had no say in the matter. After all I'm the one who fucked up and made it so my parents couldn't be seen without being known as the parents to a fucking insane child.

     I shook my head, clearing my deep thought. I swung my legs out of the bed and my feet hit the cold floor. I stood up and walked towards my window where the curtains were pulled to block out any light. I opened the curtains and the moon light hit my face. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Something felt off, almost as if someone or something had its piercing eyes on me.

     My eyes flickered open and I opened my window. A soft breeze ruffled my [h/c] hair. I looked down to the ground, I was on the second floor of my house. I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I quickly glanced to the dark woods but I saw nothing, yet I still felt my hair stand on end. I get a sudden chill and my breath hitches. I slowly look to the left and right next to my window I see a crow, it scared me how it was just there. It started to flap its large wings and it flew right into my room smashing right into my face, I stumbled back and I hit the floor with a thud. I started breathing heavily, more birds flew into my room. All screeching and flapping their wings all around me. I throw my hands over my ears and shut my eyes tightly.

     After what felt like hours, I finally stopped hearing the screeching. I didn't even notice the tears that stained my cheeks, I let my hands down and my eyes flutter open, they sting when the oxygen hits them. I looked around and let out a sigh of relief as the room was empty, all I could hear was the wind coming through my window. I quickly got up and rushed to the window about to shut it when I felt a presence behind me. I shook it off and shut the window locking it.

     I turn around and any presence I felt previously was gone. That whole moment felt so real, yet it had to have been my imagination. I fear birds, how much of a coincidence can it really be that one of the things I fear came to attack me at my most vulnerable?

    I shook my head and laid back down in my bed pulling the covers over me. I dug my face into the pillow and let sleep slowly overtake me. This had to be a dream, tomorrow I will wake up and laugh at how weird this dream was then walk away from it and carry on my day in Derry like I have since day one so many months ago.

Yet it felt so real.


Word count: 744

I hope you enjoyed this first chapter, simply to set a foundation for you 🖤
       Till you read again

- Scar

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