➷2: trash➷

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Y/N pov

      My foot steps echoed off the walls of the empty hallway. My head was racing with so many thoughts ranging from what happened last night and if I should go to class or not. I woke up late this morning for a start so I came to school late, not that I even thought today mattered. It's the last day of school, a long lonely summer starts tomorrow.

     My thoughts were cut short when I bumped into someone, I must have zoned out. Running into someone is weird though, everyone should be in class? My eyebrows furrowed my mind raced quickly, who did I run into?? I was becoming very anxious, my heart was beating so loud I was sure anyone in the hall could hear it. So in those few awkward seconds I just kept my head down and quickly spat out a apology then turned and bolted to the girls bathroom. I was so focused on reaching my safe place I didn't hear what the person said, it was only a huff to me.

     I finally reached my go-to bathroom stall at the end and slammed the door shut. I let out a deep sigh as I slid the lock into position. My mind once again started to race with thoughts.

Who was the person I ran into?
Why were they not in class?

     I shook my head, I knew why I ran away. I freaked out and thought if I made eye contact with this person they would be mad and punch me or something. Another flaw of mine, I get overwhelmed when people are mad at me and yell. I look at my shoes as I came to my senses and calmed down. I'm honestly a mess, but can I help it? No. I might as well just sit out the rest of the day till school is out. I'm too anxious to deal with this shit school right now.

     After awhile of sitting in the bathroom doing anything to distract myself from thinking the bell rang. I quickly grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. I went to leave when I came face to face with the one and only Greta. She didn't bother me very much, but she did when I was in her path.

     My breath hitched as she glared daggers at me and violently pushed me back into the bathroom and my back roughly hit the stall. I froze up and didn't move a inch after that, I simply watched as she kicked a stale door, her voice loud and powerful.

     "Are you in there by yourself beaverly or do you have half the guys in the school with you? Huh SLUT!?" She grunted and continued in her same annoyed voice. "I know you're in there, Little shit, I can smell you! No wonder you don't have any friends."

     I looked around and saw a girl filling the garbage bag from the trash with water. My eyes widen as I realize exactly what they are gonna do, I wish I could help the girl in the stall.

     Till she shot back a snarky response,"Which is it Greta? Am I a slut or a little shit? Make up your mind." some balls she has cause I would never be able to say anything back to anyone who was a bitch to me.

     "No, you're trash." The girl with the bag or garbage went into the stall next to her and stood on the toilet readying it to dump. "We just wanted to remind you."

     With that the wet trash started to fall into the stall making a huge mess. I felt horrible that the girl had to go through that. I watched them start to head out when Greta shot one last bullet.

     "At least now you'll smell better." Then with that Greta and her minions were gone. I dropped my bag and rushed over to the stall, I quietly knocked on the door.

     "Are.... you okay?" My voice was quite shaky, I'm usually not one to be so eager to talk to someone. Since I have no friends here in Derry. I stepped back as she unlocked the door and stepped out. She was quite pretty, her burnt auburn hair in a messy ponytail pulled over her right shoulder. She smiled at me, I smiled right back. I don't know why but I felt comfortable with her already. As if it had something to do with the fact that she also apparently didn't have friends? Maybe she was just as awkward as me.

     "Hi my name is Beverly" she outstretched her hand for a handshake, I hesitated for a second but took her hand and shook it.

     "... my name is y/n, nice to meet you." I chuckled letting go of her hand. "You want some help cleaning off your bag?" My eyes looked down at the book-bag she held in her hand. She let out something that sounded like a 'sure' and lifted her bag and we both walked over to the sink. There we washed of the trash, I had some thoughts in the back of my mind but they were pushed out when Beverly told some jokes and I naturally responded with puns. We spent the next few minutes laughing together.

It felt like we had know each other for years.


Word count: 909

I hope y'all like this, I kinda forced this but I like how it turned out.
Till next time

- Scar ❤️🎈

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