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The next day, you wake up at exactly 7:00 a.m.
For some reason, you feel as if your brain was an open book, and as if someone was rummaging through it.
"Kylo" you thought.
You wondered if he would be able to hear you if you talked in your head. You decided to try.
"Kylo." You said in your head.
"Can you hear me? I feel you reading my mind"
Immediately, you feel like a fool, because you tried to talk to somebody through your head. Didn't that sound ridiculous? I bet he can't even hear me.
Then, all of a sudden, you hear him, Kylo Ren's voice, saying;
You hear a knock on your door. Startled, you get up to check who it is. As you open it, you see a stormtrooper.
"Ren has requested to see you in his private quarters. Follow me."
You follow the stormtrooper through the halls. After a few turns, you reach the familiar room. Kylo opens the door, expecting you.
"Come in, [y/n]." He said, welcoming you in.
He closes the door behind him, and pulls up a chair and motions for you to sit down.
"You are stronger than I thought." He said.
"I am?"
"Yes, you received my thoughts, AND you replied. How did you know how to reply?"
"I just....replied...." You say, confused.
"Most people need to be taught just to receive thoughts." He remarked.
"I think we can go straight to levitating." He said.
"Really? Levitating? Cool!" You say excitedly.

"Sit down, close your eyes, and clear your head." He instructed.

You do as you're told.

"[y/n], always remember, anger is key. The emotion that fuels the most power is anger. Picture what angers you. Use it to your advantage. Make yourself feel weightless." Says Kylo.
You think of everything that makes you mad, bullies, homework, annoying teachers, fake friends. You realize that after a few moments, you don't feel Kylo's desk chair underneath you anymore. You open your eyes, and you see that you are hovering a few feet off the chair. Kylo is watching you intently, seemingly amazed. You continue to float higher.

You lose your focus, and immediately start to fall to the ground. Kylo lunges forward as he sees that you're falling. You shut your eyes in fear, because you know you are going to hit the floor. Just as you expect to feel yourself slam onto the hard floor, you feel strong hands beneath you, catching you. You open your eyes, and look up to see a pair of soft brown eyes, staring down at you. Why was Kylo so concerned for your safety? Did he really care about you to that extent?
"You really shouldn't lose your focus 10 feet in the air." He smirked.
"I'll try" I said, smiling.
"I'll see you tomorrow, [y/n]."
At that, I left his room, proud of what I had accomplished.

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