The surprise

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Kylo walked over to you with an excited expression on his face. He was holding something behind his back.
"What is it?" You asked.
"I got you something." He said
He reveals a small rectangular box, about the size of a shoebox. He hands you the box with a smile. He grabs your elbow and leads you over to his bed, sitting down next to you.
You open the box, and gasp. It was a lightsaber.
"A lightsaber!!?" You squeal.
"Yea. Here let me help you use it." He said.
You put your hand on the hilt of the lightsaber, as his puts his hand on top of yours. He makes guides your thumb to the button, and turns it on. A bright green light floods the room as the lightsaber is turned on.
"Do you like it?" He asked.
"Kylo, I love it."
For the remainder of the day, Kylo began teaching you how to use the lightsaber.

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