Chapter 6

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This is the Valentine Day chapter so enjoy. Oh and F/a stands for favorite animal.

Today was Valentines day and couples were everywhere giving roses and chocolates to their special someone. School was dismissed by now and you were home because volleyball practice was in session so you had to wait. When you got home you saw your brother with a girl. And it wasn't Satan oh I mean Crystal. This was some girl you had never seen.

"OH! Yeah sis this is my girlfriend Sarah." Jacob said. You looked at Sarah she was smiling and waving.

"Hello!" she said still smiling. You said hi back then went to your room. For the next hour you did homework than got a text from Shiho. She basically invited you to her house because she didn't understand the homework. You helped her then y'all spent the rest of the day talking and doing girl stuff. By the time you got home it was 9:30 your mom was getting ready to go out with Dirk. She said she would be out late.Your brother was already asleep when you got home. You stayed up till like 10:30 waiting for a text or a call from Mishima. Finally you started to give up then your screen lit up.

Mishima: Open your window

So you did so and saw him standing outside. You went and got a ladder for him to climb inside. He climbed up the ladder into your bedroom holding a your f/v animal as a plush version with a rose. The two of you went to the bed and had a make out session. LOL NO. That's not really what happened that comes later in the story passed Mr. Asshole. No what really happened was the two of you went on your bed and laid down.

"I thought you weren't going to do anything." you said looking at him running your fingers through his hair.

"I was. I just thought this would be a better idea." he said looking down at you. The two of you laid there cuddling and just enjoying each others presence. "I love you." he said now sitting up right and so were you. "Like actually love not that fake I love you. This is the real thing. You make me happy in so many ways." he said kissing your forehead. It took you a few seconds to understand what he said which worried him a lot.

"I love you too. I love you so much. I still don't know what you've done to me. You make me happy in many ways too. I want that to last and be like this forever." you said leaning you head on his shoulder. He held you tighter so you held him tighter. You both wanted this moment to last forever.

"Let's sneak out. I mean I'm I've already snuck out. Lets go to the pond." he said turning to get a good look at you.

"Okay! Let me get dressed." you said getting up and then went to your dresser and pulled out your jeans then went to your closet and got a shirt and sweatshirt that was black with dark purple roses on it near the bottom. You took of you pj bottoms and then put your jeans on. Meanwhile Mishima was looking at you then quickly turned his head. You then proceeded to take off your shirt and then put on your shirt ans sweatshirt and shoes. (Cue music) The two of you left the house through the window while you were trying not to laugh. This was a first time for you. When you got to the pond no one was there just y'all. It was really romantic with the moon shinning bright and it's reflection in the water. "It sure is beautiful tonight." you said looking out at the water.

"You know what else is beautiful?" he said looking at you looking at the water.

"What?" you asked turning to look at him.

"You." he said pulling you closer to him. This made you blush a lot. Ugh how this boy made you feel so warm and fuzzy on the inside. He pulled you into a kiss that was sweet and very passionate. You leaned into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. Your phone started to buzz which ruined the moment which made you pissed. It was a text from your brother.

Jacob: Young lady where are you?

You: Well not in my bed.

Jacob: Where?

You: I'm out

Jacob: With?

You: Mishima. I'm not doing anything don't worry. Anyway I'll be home in an hour.

You then put your phone away going back to kissing Mishima. The two of you stopped then laid down in the cold grass cuddling. You heard the crickets chirping and him breathing. It was relaxing just to lay down out in the open at night. Y'all stayed like this for a while then you got a phone call. You answered it and heard your brothers voice.

"You need to come home now. Mom said she will be home in thirty minutes." Jacob said worried.

"Okay were on our way." you said then huffing after you hung up.

"You have to get home?" he said looking up at the night sky.

"Yeah" you said looking at him. "I wish I didn't have to go. I wish we could just stay like this." you said holding him closer towards you.

"Me too." he said pulling you closer to him. Y'all then got up and started walking home. When y'all got back he kissed your on the forehead and then you climbed the ladder. Then you change your clothes and got into the bad making it seem like you never left the house at all. About 15 minutes later your mom got home you shut your eyes. You heard walk down the hall way then stop, she opened your door then shut it. You heard walk into her room then you went to sleep. When you awoke the following morning and started walking to school you ran into Ann.

"Hey stranger!" she said "How have you been?"

"Fine, what about you?" you asked looking up at her because she had on heels.

"Well modeling has been fine! And I got to see my parents for a little bit." she said happily. You always liked that she was happy. The two of you talked the whole way to school and into class. You had all your classes with her. The day went by slow and then finally it was over. When you went out of class you saw Ryuji walking to track and then you saw Mishima and Shiho walking to volleyball. You tried to catch up to them but the sea of people was to big so you made your way out of the school to go home. When you got home you saw your brother like usual but this time he wasn't playing video games this time he was doing homework and Sarah was helping him. You decided not to bother them and went to your room to work on your homework. You stayed at your desk for a couple of hours then was finally done. When you went down stairs you started to make dinner but stopped because your mom came through the door. This was unusual well because the only time she got was late. She said hi to Sarah and then took over making dinner.

"You're home early." you said sitting down at the counter.

"Well I finished my work early that's why I wasn't here this morning." she said chopping the kale. "So when will I get to meet Mishima?You said yesterday?" you mom said now chopping the carrots.

"Well he had volleyball practice yesterday." you said "Do we have a small vase?" you asked looking around the kitchen.

"Yeah it's in the bottom cabinet next to the fridge." she said while you were getting up. You walked over to the cabinet and pulled out a small clear vase and poured some water into it then went to your room. You put the vase down on your desk then put the rose in it. Then you went and took a cat nap while your mother made dinner. She woke you up before it was ready to you could wake up. Then you went down stairs ans saw Sarah was gone and it was just your brother. The three of y'all then had dinner and went to your room. You put in your earbuds and listened to your music (cue music again) listing to the song and thinking about last night then went to sleep cuddling with the plush animal from yesterday.

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