Chapter 5

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After the fiasco with your brother and his friends him and Mishima became friends and thank God they did.

It was now February the time of love and the day before valentine day. You were out with your mother and she still didn't know that you were dating Mishima. The two of were just out shopping and it was nice because y'all didn't get to this much because all she did was work. She only worked because when your dad left she had to work and work and work. So now y'all were at the underground mall.

"So honey do you have a special someone to spend valentine with." she said giving you a nudge in the arm. You didn't know what to say were you going to tell her about Mishima or not? Were you going to lie to her again about not being in a relationship. "Sweetheart it's fine if you do I just want to know. We don't get to talk that much and when we do it's through the phone. So do you have someone special." she in a caring voice. You couldn't lie to her anymore.

"Y-yeah I am in a relationship. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."you said.

"It's fine. When can I meet him?" she asked.

"Tomorrow. Hey I found a new cafe it called Cafe Leblanc. It's a little bit away from here do you want to go?" you asked hoping she would say yes.

"Yes that would wonderful."she said then y'all went off to this new cafe. Finally when y'all got there you opened the door to let your mother in then you.When you walked in you were greeted with a smell of coffee and an older looking man in a pink shirt working behind that bar.

"Oh a new face I'm Sojiro welcome to Cafe Leblanc. What can I get you two laddies?" Sojiro asked. You looked at the menu so did you mom.

"I'll have whatever you recommend" you said. "So will I." said your mother. Sojiro nodded at started to make the bast cup of coffee. He soon brought out the coffee you let it cool before you burnt your mouth

"So how long have you been dating this boy?" your mother asked already drinking the coffee. You were scared to say how long but did anyway.

"For 3 moths now." you said looking down at the light brown liquid. You looked at your mother she seemed surprised I mean you would to but she told you this which surprised you.

"Well I can't be mad at you for keeping that a secret. I have been dating someone to for 2 months. I was going to tell you and your brother when things got more serious. Well now is the time." your mother said. You were surprised to this news you didn't she was going to date again. Well I guess she wanted to grow old with someone. You didn't blame her. Y'all finished the coffee and told Sojiro how amazing it was then left for home. When you got home your phone started to buzz. You took it out and saw Shiho was calling you. You answered it then went up to your room.

"He-" you were cut off by her crying into the phone. "Shiho where are you? Whats wrong?" you said.

"Come to the school it's an emergency!!! BUT don't let Kamo-" she was cut off. You walked down stairs and asked your mom for the keys to the car. You then got them a drove to the school worried what had happened. When you got there you parked the car and ran to the window near the gym. It was the same place where you saw what that asshole was doing. You pulled out your phone to tell Shiho you were there. She told you not to move then practice was dismissed you sat there scared of what she would tell you. Students walked out one by one then finally Mishima and Shiho. You stood up and walked over to them then looked at Mishima. You tried not to cry but couldn't help it. His lip was busted, he had a big black eye, and a cut on the side of his cheek and Shiho was walking with a limp.

"HOLY SHIT!!! WHAT HAPPENED IN THERE?!" you said angry and crying. Mishima looked down at you dead eyed then passed out. You and Shiho carried him to the car then you drove to your house. Moms gone you thought she said her boyfriend was going to pick her up. You finally arrived at the house and ran in to get Jacob. You explained what happened and you too ran out of the house to carry Mishima. He carried him to your room just in case your mom arrived home early and had to explain what happened to his face. You rushed Jacob out of the room and left Shiho with Mishima.

"What happened to his face and why are you walking with a limp?" Jacob asked worried then Shiho walked down stairs. She told him everything that was happening and that the grown ups were doing shit along with the faculty. She started to cry because of the horrors that Kamoshida put her through and what she had too see. You walked over to her and comforted her. She cried a little longer you and your brother were embracing her into a hug comforting her. You were filled with determination to stop Kamoshida not matter what it takes. After finally getting her to calm down you left her with your brother so you cold check up on Mishima. You walked into your room to the see him still sleeping. You walked to look at his wounds, the cuts worried you the most. You sat down on the bed next to him and started to cry. You felt so weak during all of this with Shiho having god knows what happening to her at practice and Mishima with cuts and bruises on his face. You needed to do something about this NOW! He suddenly woke up and tried to speak but you shushed him. You looked at his face and stroked it, looking into his eyes. You got up and went to the bathroom to some peroxide and into the kitchen to get something cold to put on his face. Shiho seemed a lot more calm. You went back upstairs to tend to his wounds. You put the frozen peas and peroxide on his face he made a sharp in hail.

"Sorry." You said still putting on the peroxide. Next you put on the band aid on his face and took off the peas. You leaned down and gave him a kiss on the forehead and left the room for him to get rest. You walked down stairs to go hang out with Shiho when you heard your mothers voice. "AWWWWW SHIT." you thought "What am I going to do? I wont panic anyways it not like were going to go into my room." you thought shrugging it off. "Hey mom you're home early." you said with a smile.

"Oh I just went out for a while. I'm going to be out with Dirk. He's coming to the house I'll introduce you to him today." you mom said then the doorbell rang. "That's him!" your mom said rushing to the door. "Come in please." she said. Dirk was a tall pale man with dark brown hair with a gentle face.

"Hi you must be y/n and you must be Jacob" he said smiling "Don't worry your mother is in good hands." he said your mother said goodbye and went off. You went over to Shiho and asked what she thought of him. She thought he was fine and y'all have nothing to worry about. A few hours passed by Shiho went home because her leg was better and your brother went out with some friends. Mishima still didn't come down so went back upstairs to see if he was alright. You went upstairs we was still asleep you decided to wake him up.

"Hey sweetheart." you said in a soft voice."It's time to wake up you've been asleep for a while now and you might want to get home." you said he was awake by now smiling and sitting up.

"You're right I should get home. Thanks for taking care of me." he said getting up. You showed him to his stuff.

"Hey!" you said you pulled him into you and gave him a kiss. It took a few seconds for the two of you to pull away. "Be safe walking home." you said.

"I will." he said holding your hands to his chest then let go and walked out the door. You went up stairs to go to bed.

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. I do want to have a Valentine chapter by the 14. Hope you all have a good rest of the night or day.

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