Chapter 16 - Goodbye

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The whole rosters were at backstage, getting ready for their respective matches, some taking pictures, other warming up and the rest were just trying to get focused.

Alessia was nervous at her first Wrestlemania entrance, she was hoping on get a great reaction and most important make her dad and the entire world proud of her accomplishments.

"May come in?" Seth knocked the door smiling down at Alessia show as warming up.

"Sure." She answered with a smile.

"Oh! My love! I remember the first day you debuted." Seth smiled sitting on the floor with her. "You impacted everyone with your talent, and look at you! You're now walking in into your first Wrestlemania." He smirks once more grabbing her hand.

"I know Seth!" Alessia smiled holding tight his hand. "It's insane how much I have accomplished on this 4 months!" She sounded excited.

"And you know what?"

"What?" Alessia answered looking at him in the eye.

"You're dad is proud of you, and he will be even prouder when you walk out still being our champ." He whispered in her ear causing her to smile and burs tints tears.

"You make me so happy!" She smiled cupping his cheeks.

Last moments of Alessia vs Ronda Rousey vs Charlotte for the Raw Women's Championship match

Corey Graves: "Alessia executed a double C4!"
Chad Colman: "Yes she did it! From top rope!"
Corey Graves: "Will she Tia ether cousin and walk out still out champ."
Chad Colman: "Well I think..."
Corey Graves: "Yes she did it! Alessia did it! She pinned both of them!"

That's what she always dreamt of, she retained after the most epic finisher ever executed.

There she was crying at the most electrifying chants and cheers from the 200,000 people at the arena.

Her dad on front row, her brother, sister, nephews and nieces watch fin her victory.

"Come on my little girl!" His dad cried as he hugged her daughter.

"I did it dad! What we always dreamt of." She sobbed.

"You did it my princess!" Her mom said joining the hug.

Seth, her sibling and nephews and nieces joined them too.

"Auntie where's you boyfriend Finn?" Little Jessica asked looking for Finn.

"Aww... Remember! My boyfriend is-"

"Finn!" Little Jessica ran into Finn's arms as she saw him.

Finn loved that little girl, so as she loved him as an uncle.

"Hi! Princess!" He smirks twirling her around as he tickles her tummy.

Alessia smiled at him, she still misses his smile and the good relationship he had with her nieces.

"She loves you." She smiled a Ashe came towards Finn.

"I know." He smiled at the sound of Alessia's voice. "So as I do love her." He smiled back at the little girl, then at Alessia.

"Well, well, well. Come here with uncle Rollins." Seth said as he extend his hands over little Jessica.

"No! Uncle Finnie!" She answered angry at Seth.

Seth made a surprise entrance after the main event.

"Tonight was such and amazing special moment for Alessia and me, you know we both won our respective matches, but most important she won hers, she let the whole world know how talented she is when she defeated 2 women. I really admire her, not because I'm in love with her, it's because she is such a perfection of a human being, everything she does, she always success and that's what makes me fall more and more in close with her." He smiled. "That's why tonight I want to make it even special for her." He smiled once more. "I dare you to come out here baby!" He smiled pouting to the big ramp.

In all of a sudden Alessia's theme hit and she started walking down the ramp.

Seth walked down the ring and helped her walk up the stairs.

"Now that I have you here I want to say how much I love you! Ever sucked you came here you changed everyone's life, but most special mine! Because you have taught me so many lessons and you have make me feel like the most lucky man on earth, that's why on this special day of your career, I would love to ask your hand."

The crowd who were about to leave stood at Seth's proposal, they were all chanting "yes"

"So what do you say Alessia Westcott would you make me the honor of sharing the rest of your life with me?" Seth asked as he knelt down and from his pocket he showed the most precious  ring.

Alessia didn't find words to say yes, she was thinking about Finn, that decision would change her whole life way.

One wrong step and she could lose Finn...

"Yes!" She sobbed placing her hands on her mouth as Seth placed the ring on her finger.

They walked up the ramp being cheered by the whole arena.

Smackdown Live after Wrestlemania

The show started with some terrible news, news that would break anyone's heart, such heartbreaking retirement.

Finn Balor theme hit and the whirl arena went crazy as they saw there idol walking with his Universal Championship still around his waist.

He made his last entrance touching some fans hands, they didn't wonder why Finn's entrance lasted longer, they didn't knew his idol wouldn't be here for so long, tomorrow he will be flying back to Ireland with his parents.

"Welcome to Smackdown Live New Orleans!" He smiled as her heard he fans cheers. "Great to see you for the last time." He held back his tears.

The crowd started with the what chants and some booing him.

"You see last night I successfully retained the title I never lost." He smiled holding high his championship. "But last night I realized how much a human being can be hurt at the news that the love of his life will be marrying someone else." He burst into tears.
"You know during this last 3 months I was dealing with so many emotions." He sobbed. "And I'm not mental healthy to be carrying on with this championship, so that's the reason why I will relinquish one more time the championship I never lost." He cried again as he heard the crowds chants "Thank you Balor!"

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