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Dreams kept Kirstie up that night, just like all the others. The clock was ticking to 2:30 and her body burned from the dream. A sexual one... with Avi in it... again. She buried her face in the soft pillow, groaning quietly. It was hard to ignore how clear her dream was. Every time she woke up it left her hot and bothered.

She wondered, what would happen if the two of them ever went out for a real date? Saying she hadn't been attracted to Avi at all would be a complete lie. I mean, come on, it was Avi! The amazingly, sweet, deep-voiced, long-haired man, could definitely steal your heart in a second. Kirstie had wanted to ask him out for a long time, but she knew she had to control herself. She couldn't risk Pentatonix for her own desires.

But this was the fourth time she had woken her up due to the bass' presence in her dreams that night. Kirstie closed her eyes, and sang herself to sleep. She just got back home from Pentatonix's third tour, and she still had to go to the studio for the new arrangement tomorrow. It was gonna be a long day, and all she needed was a peaceful sleep.

Unfortunately, she woke up again not long after going back to sleep. Damn, it felt like she hadn't had any sleep at all. But strangely, she knew there was something wrong here. A throbbing headache hit her quickly and it made her want to groan. Why was it here? As she attempted to soothe the ache, the sound of a baby crying didn't make it any better.

Wait. What? A baby? In her apartment? Did any of her neighbors babysit a child? A deep groan came from the other side of the bed. Fuck, she was so confused. Hearing someone must've meant she slept with someone. Dear God, she could've sworn she went to bed alone. She dreamt about Avi, and all. The baby wouldn't stop crying. The person besides her groaned again and got up. After they left the room, she could hear the crying sound slowly stopping.

Was she dreaming?

She wanted to get back to sleep, to Avi in her dream. As much as she denied it... she had to admit, these dreams were quiet... hot. Not to mention extremely good. But a part of her knew she had to get up to see what the fuck was going on right now.

Kirstie heavily opened her eyes, and immediately sprung up from her current position. Her back pressed against the headboard, and she gazed around wide eyed.

This wasn't her house. And the bed, wasn't even the bed she fell asleep on.

She took a careful look around the room. It was very modern with black and grey colors, but still vintage enough with white curtains and furniture. This looked like a married couple's room, with four pillows on bed and almost everything doubled. Some arts that hung on the wall were her type, and there were some others about nature. But the thing that freaked Kirstie out the most, was her husky cup on the small cupboard beside the bed. It was handmade, so she knew there wouldn't be a second one like it in the world. So then, why was it here?

Her head was hurting, and she felt a panic attack coming on. Maybe she could try to get back to sleep to change the situation? But there was no way she could relax enough to sleep again. She woke up in a stranger's house and was trying not to freak out. Her breaths became quicker, and the headache made things worse.

The bedroom's door clicked open and a man walked in. He gave a warm smile when their eyes met.

It was Avi.

"Hey, Kirst!", Avi greeted her happily, but quietly as he closed the door. "How you feeling? Still hurt? I can bring you some ice."

"Huh?", Kirstie stared at him, confused. Why was she in a strange house with Avi?

The man raised an eyebrow as he pointed at his head. "Remember? You fell and banged your head on the wooden table at Kev and Alyssa's house. It scared us, to be honest."

"Alyssa who? Kevin's house? Avi, you live with Kevin, don't you?" she asked with an unsure tone.

"Kirstie? Are you okay?", he worryingly looked at her, and stepped closer. He knelt down besides her bedside, his eyes focused on her, and it was like he didn't care about anything else but her. She knew he was a caring guy for a long time, but she didn't see him ever worry about anyone this much.

"I'm fine. But what's going on, really? What is this place? What are you doing here? Why am I here with you and why did we sleep in the same bed?"

"Kirstie." Avi grabbed her hands, and she stared at the surprisingly gentle gesture. "Kirst, look at me." Her eyes moved up again. "This is our house, and..." He stopped for a bit and tightened his grip. He tried to keep his tone as calm as possible. "You live here."

"What? WHAT?" She screamed loudly. "NO!" The baby screamed again, and then it cried. "No, no." It was impossible. This was a dream. "No." She couldn't live here. Her voice got quieter, as if she didn't have the power to say anything anymore. "No..." The crying wouldn't stop and her headache got even worse.

"Oh crap, I just got her back to sleep.", Avi muttered, and stood up. "Okay Kirstie, stay here and take a deep breath. I'll be right back."

He walked out of the room, leaving her completely confused.


Twist in Time [Avi Kaplan x Kirstin Maldonado]Where stories live. Discover now