Chapter 4

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Chloe's POV (During events of chapter 3)

Chloe sighed as she looked at her homework for Russian Lit. Finally deciding against it, she closed her books and went outside for a run. She froze as she saw the brunette she'd been thinking about since the activities fair talking to a black girl, a sword clearly sitting in her left hand. Chloe watched as a creature appeared out of thin air and the brunette charged it after taunting it in Greek. Chloe frowned, wondering how she knew it was Greek.

"Bring it on." She called. The creature hissed in fury and leapt at her. The brunette clearly was used to this and dodged easily, slashing it with the sword. It exploded into dust and she turned back to the other person in the clearing.

"How'd you do that?" the other girl asked in awe.

"My sword's specially designed to take care of things like them." the brunette answered.

"Well, I will see you later, Beca Mitchell. Hope you don't run into anything else like that." the girl said before walking off. So that's her name, Chloe thought. Beca. She watched Beca sheath her sword and start jogging in her direction. Chloe quickly ran back inside her apartment she shared with Bree before Beca could see her.

"Woah." She whispered in awe, wandering how Beca even knew how to do that and if she knew how scary and hot it made her seem.


AN: sorry it's so short guys. I'm pulling a late night and I'm starting to get really tired, so that's all I got. Comment and like, if you want, and give me some feedback.

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