Chapter 8: 7 Eleven

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When I wake up and get out of the shelter I am suprised to see James up. I walk over to him and he screams. I jump back! But then I realize he is just sleep walking so I gently shake him awake.

He awakes with a start and then he suddenly starts bawling. "Whats wrong?" James has never really showed much emotion before. Even when he was a baby, he was'nt much of a crier.

"Everything wrongs!", he tells me. "Mom's dead, Rose is scarred and we have to make it all the way to Hawaii before daddy cathces us and the deal is up." Wow, I thought he was asleep when Catalaya and I talked about that.

"I assure you it's gonna be ok, James."

"How do you know?" He asks me.

"I just do."

Soon Catalaya and Rose are awake and we are packing up camp. We have to make it close to Colatado today. Or at least try! So just like before we start walking.

We walk until we get to a 7 Eleven. Thankfully, it is in the middle of no where surrounded by woods. We walk in and as the bell jingles to let the owner know someone is there we hear a voice. "Velcome to de 7 Eleven! Prices are half off for ze kids!" I turn around and I see a old Russian man and I have to stifle a laugh! He must be blind, for he is wearing black overalls with no shirt and he has one tennis shoe on and one sandal on. He has a sharpie drawn mustache on and he has gray stringy hair!

We don't say anything. We all walk to the back if the store then Catalaya starts talking. "That old man is obviouslyblind or can not see very well. We don't have money to spare si grav as much food as you can and we will make a run for it." I dont like this idea, we already have food and we dont have another bag to carry the acess food in. I tell Catalaya that but she says we have to so I just give in.

Catalaya slowly fingers One,Two,Three on our hands and we grab as much as we can and make a run for it. The last thing I hear is the old man screaming in Russian. I feel really guilty, but I just push my guilt down and I keep running. We finally get to what seems like the edge of the forest and we walk through it in a small area.

Rose puts the jacket down on the ground I gave her and we all dump the food on it. From 7 eleven we have:

7 jumbo slim jims

2 packs of juicy fruit gum

A box of swiss rolls

1 pack of tic-tacs

4 arizona ice teas

3 brownies

6 arizona mucho mango

4 gatorade bottles

3 packs of jolly ranchers

5 water bottles

And a lighter.

Thats good considering the food we already have. I knew Catalaya would have something up her sleeve and she pulled out another string bag. She dumped the food in it. And just like de ja vú we started walking again!

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