The Beginning

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AUTHOR'S NOTES:  The first chapter is pretty boring, but I have to get the openning set, so it makes sense. It will get funny. I would love it if you recommended it to your friends or if you commented/ voted. Thank you for taking your time to read my story.


   It all started the summer of 2011. I had been in private schools for the past 3 years of my life. This was going to be my year of change. The house I was in, was the same one I lived in since I was born. This year, I was going back to public schools and moving across town to Decatur. I was going to get a clean slate, a chance to be anybody I wanted to. These people wouldn't have seen me go through my awkward growing up phases and all the mistakes I've made.

     I was ready to leave and not look back. I was going to leave the past behind me. When I got back from my 8th grade class trip to Washington D.C. I started packing my room. So, after 8th grade graduation, I moved my stuff to my new house to start my clean slate. Of course, I did some crying because I was going to leave the place I'd known my whole life. 

     The house my family was moving into was my grandparents house, but they were moving away and they offered for us to buy the house from them. Over the summer, I would be helping them move into their new house. So, it was basically a summer with my grandparents.

     I had made a plan that I wasn't going to mess up this year, like I'd done my whole life. Middle school was my rough years. I came to that school in 7th grade and spent both years trying to fit in. People didn't really like me and I gt made fun of a lot. During the course of 7th and 8th grade, I'd picked up a stutter and gained weight. I also went through a depression state, where I just felt it was better if I died. I have some days when I feel this way, but I have my friends help me get through it. Before, I didn't have friends to help me, I was alone.I picked up something from middle school, and that was writing. Ididn't have anyone, so I used a pen and paper. I still have journals I wrote in explaining how I felt.

     That summer I was going to get hot! I was ging to lose weight and be pretty. I wanted t get to high school and be popular and have friends for the first time. My new house was a mile away from my high school. I would walk there and back everyday with my dog. I did lose weight. I also picked up tips on how to have a better appearance. Tips on hair and makeup. I thought I'd be popular easily by Christmas. I was VERY wrong.

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