Giá (cost) of cái chuông (the bell)

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Everyday, a shepherd used to take his cows for grazing. He had gắn một cái chuông (tied a bell) to mỗi con bò (each of the cows) he had so that he could know nơi chúng đang ăn cỏ (where they were grazing). The best cow had cái chuông đắt nhất (a costly bell) tied around her cái cổ (neck).

One day, một người lạ (a stranger) was going through cánh đồng (the pasture). Seeing the costly bell around the cow's neck, he went to the shepherd and asked nếu anh ta bán (if he would sell the bell).

Vì lòng tham (Out of greed), the shepherd sold the bell. But now he could not know where his best cow was grazing.

Có cơ hội (getting an opportunity), the stranger ăn cắp (stole) the cow. Thus, the shepherd lost his best cow just bởi vì sự tham lam của mình (because of his greed).

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