Always overachieving; when all you want is to bring people down.
Always being melodramatic; when all you want is to be the center of attention.
Always hating the world for being the way it is; when all you are is being your worst enemy.
Saying that you can’t stand people; when normally you really can’t stand being yourself.
Always pretending to do good; when all you want is evil.
Always engulfing yourself in too much makeup; when all you desire is to be the prettiest.
Always being aloof; when all you needed the most was love and appreciation.
Saying that having feelings makes you weak; when normally you’re drowning in your inner sorrow.
You may detach yourself from life,
By hiding what you feel inside.
You may want to be strong,
And prove to the other kids they’re wrong.
But don’t feel right because,
You’re concealing the truth with utter lies.
Because one day they will all become transparent,
And the only thing that will die is your ego.
Poetry“I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” ― Oscar Wilde