Chapter Four -Welcome to the game

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Chapter Four.
Welcome to the game.

"You know there's a thought that's always crossing my mind from time to time." Ran commented,  as she took a turn while walking home with her childhood friend. 

"Huh?  What's it?" He inquired. "Are you devolping a crush on someone or something like that? "

"The real question here are you?" She chuckled,  at the weird look he gave her.  "I think you and Kuroba-san would make a pretty unique couple, you look cute together as well."

"Me and who?" He laughed,  quite hard actually. "That's the last person on the planet I would imagine myself with,  he is a complete jerk actually."

"Well,  if you think he is really a jerk,  which I might add isn't true,  then he isn't a jerk with you. " she said quite amused. "I think he is only a jerk with Sonoko,  especially when she is being mean to anybody."

"I still don't like him,  nor his ways.  He seems pretty creepy and nosy most of the time,  which is something I don't approve of."

"Maybe,  it's just you being dense?"

"No,  I'm sure that I'm not that dense,  and I'm also sure about the fact that he hates me,  and I hate him as well."

Ran shook his head at her friend,  well,  she still thinks that they would make a pretty good couple and nobody would actually change her mind that easily. 

Deduction. Freak. 

* * * * *

"Bakaito!  I can't believe you're saying in my face that you're enjoying that new school!"

Kaito sighed at her over dramatic reaction,  way dramatically.  "At least,  it doesn't have a Hakuba."

"Oh yeah,  you mean you have nobody to comfort you about your stealing habit?" Hakuba plunged himself in the conversation.

"See?  Like I said anywhere without Hakuba is equivalent to a land from paradise. "

"Stop being mean to Hakuba!"

"Why did I agree to meet you? If you are just going to defend that bastard,  then I might as well take my leave." Kaito exclaimed as he took the last sip of his juice before starting to stand up.

"Are you really leaving?" Aoko asked,  a hint of sadness noticeable in her voice.

"I am,  you know,  when you try something you really enjoy it's hard to go back to your old habit." Kaito said as he casted a flat glare in the direction of the blond bastard. "And I tried this new school with no Hakuba and I think it's quite unbearable to go back to having to deal with his issues on a daily basis." He stood up,  as he turned to Aoko and gave her a quick hug. "Call me when you don't have him with you,  I would really love to catch up with you,  but I can't deal with his five-year-old self anymore." Then he walked away.

"Do you think something is wrong with Kuroba?  He's acting weird."

Once the magician left,  the blond detective asked..

"Yes,  something is wrong with him,  but I couldn't put my finger on it,  maybe it's someone he met in that new school or something related to it?"

"I hardly doubt that Kuroba would be affected that way because of someone he met,  he wouldn't let people get to him that easily. "

"So you wanna investigate?"

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