Chapter 7: Jake

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Chapter 7: Jake


"I swear to god I will cut off your balls and feed them to you if you don't wake up."

That was the glorious wake-up call I got.

Groaning and very slowly opening my eyes, I saw Casey glaring at me with one of my pillows in his hand.

"What are you doing with the pillow--OW!"

I was cut off by him promptly whacking me with a pillow. "What the fuck man?" I questioned grumpily.

Casey shrugged and sent another glare my way. "I've been trying to wake you up for the past ten minutes, and you annoy me," he breathed out smirking.

I rolled over and landing on the floor with a thump!

"What the actual fuck..." I grumbled trying to untangle myself from my sheets while a very cheeky Casey was laughing his butt off.

I flipped him off before heading into the shower. Today was some teacher holiday or whatever, so we don't have any school.

Wait, if we have no school why the fuck was Casey waking me up?

I turned off the shower and got dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. Walking out Casey was throwing a basketball in the air and laying on my bed.

"Why did you wake me up if we have no school?" I asked him. He shot up with a look of disbelief. "We don't have school?!" He asked irritated.

I blew out a puff of air and ran my hands through my hair. "No we don't dipshit," I told him.

"Take that back."


He lunged at me, successfully Tackling me to the floor face-first. He sat on my back as I tried to escape.

What? I'm not my best at 7 am.

I reluctantly sighed after I figured out there was no way to escape. "Okay okay! You win! I take it back!" I mumbled into the carpet. He probably grinned and got off of me.

Mumbling a few choice words- basically cursing him to the fiery pits of hades- I brushed past him and walked out of my room. Looking at Jasper's room out of the corner of my eye, I felt my ears go red.

Your so whipped dude.

No I'm not.

Your jealous.


You like her a lot!

Goddamnit! Yes brain, I'm whipped, jealous, and I like her.

When we went home yesterday I got pissed because she was hanging out with a guy named Charlie. And sadly, even being a guy it's hard to deny that he wasn't good looking.

And then as soon as Jasper went to bed, Casey came in and explained that he was gay. I felt like bashing my head into a train after I learned that.

Way to go Jake.

Shut up brain.

Her door was open which meant she was already downstairs, so I discreetly- not really- booked it down the stairs.

I entered the kitchen to see only my mother cooking, which is weird because my dad always has his coffee and reads the newspaper every morning. "Mom? Where's dad and the others?" I asked her. She jumped and waved her spatula at me.

"Don't scare me like that Jake!" She scolded playfully. I laughed and took at seat at the table. I watched my mothers smile waver and her tone lowered as she spoke. "You dad is with Jasper and Jason, speaking with them."

I became suspicious but nodded anyway.

I really wanted to be there for the conversation. Damn.

I hurriedly snatched 3 pancakes as soon as I heard Casey thundering down the stairs.

I can eat A LOT, but that boy puts the man vs. foodguy to shame.

He came waltzing in and just took the plate that held the pancakes.

Might I remind you that there were 9 pancakes on that plate.

"Casey woods! Leave some for the other people. You eat like you haven't eaten in months!" Mom said whacking his hand with her spatula.

He rolled his eyes and stuffed a whole pancake into his mouth. I stared at him wide eyed while mom just shook her head. "Where does he put all that food?" She murmured walking back to the stove.

Good question mom...

Dad walked into the kitchen with a frown on his face. He pulled out his chair and sat down not even bothering to get his newspaper.

He didn't even fucking put sugar in his coffee. He always does that.

"Sweetheart?" Mom asked carefully. "Is everything alright?"

Dads frowned deepened and he looked mom dead in the eye. "I don't know."

That scared me shitless


"Jakey!" Henry yelled at me from down the hall. "What?" I screamed back trying to kill Casey's character in COD.

"Bitch, Bring me food?" He replied. I groaned in frustration and paused the game earning a huff from casey. "Get your own damn food kid!" I shouted back.


How the hell did mom hear me when she didn't hear Henry?

I saw a shadow in the doorway and turned surprised to see Jasper. "Sup Jasper, wanna play?" Casey asked pointing to the extra controller we have. She bit her lip and nodded shyly.

Oh god she bit her lip.

I felt something move down there.

No! Think of something besides her sexy lips! Uh..naked grandmas!

Yes! Naked grandmas, naked grandmas, naked grandmas...

I looked down to see everything back to normal.

That was too close.

Jasper sat down awkwardly next to me keeping a safe distance. Sighing I slowly and carefully pulled her next to me. I immediately felt her stiffen but slowly relaxed as I rubbed my hand up and down her arm trying to calm her.

Ignoring Casey who was wiggling his eyebrows, I grabbed the controller and gave it to her. "You know how to play?" I asked. She shrugged and mouthed 'kinda'. We started over and played the game.

"WHAT THE FU-FUDGE IS THAT CRAP?" Casey yelled but stuttered when Jasper glared at him. I sat there just gaping at her.

She completely destroyed us.

"I thought you said you only kinda knew how to play?" Casey asked incredulously. I was still unable to form words.

She shrugged and tossed the controller to us and walked out the door swaying her hips ever so slightly.

But just enough for me to start thinking about cold showers. "Dude your whipped," Casey said whistling.

I only nodded.



really short chapter /: but next chapter Jasper will start explaining more and drama might arise?(:

Thanks for all that have followed me! Almost at 100 views!


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