Authors note.

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I shall write as often as I can with this book, I do not promise to write every week as I am still going to school and I have a shit ton of exams next week and homework so bare with me.

This book is about teenage love, the werewolf part is only added purely to make the story more interesting. Please keep in mind my writing is and will not be J.K Rowling worth but I will make sure it is as perfect as I can make it, also I will be adding some of my own experiences and personal feelings with crushes and love (?) (I was young and wouldn't really say love but its the best way I can explain it) to make it more ... realistic. I already know this will be cringe but I'm a cringy person so I guess you can say that Pandora will be similar to me. 

Anyway all of the words written here are mine and my own, I have not and will not copy ANYONE'S ideas and I would be shocked if anyone has the same dumb ideas as I do.

All rights reserved blah blah blah, now, I will write about some things I want to tell people but no one wants to listen to me so I hope some of you will.

Is it just me or Percy Jackson is fit AF, I'm really pissed that they haven't made any new movies, as much as I love Lightening Thief and The Sea of Monsters I'm kinda getting bored of watching the same thing all the time.

I would read the books but I'm broke as fuck and my parents aren't willing to donate anything towards them. 

Also do you have any good book recommendations? I'm thinking of reading city of bones or the fallen series but different books other than fantasy or paranormal would be amazing. Oh and movies! Good movies! I've seen about every fantasy, SCI-FI, paranormal, magic, mythology, horror, action, romance film out there, don't even get me started on the Netflix series.

Enough about that, how have you guys been? I've been terrible in the last week. I'm light headed 24/7 feel like throwing up all the time and don't even get me started on the migraines that I've been having all day. Definitely worst week of my life.

I guess enough chatter and time for story time!!

Be sure to vote and comment on my chapters, any sort of good criticism is good thanks.


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