She left very fast almost running then this strange man stoped her. " why such a hurry" he said and grinned. She said nothing walked away but he grabbed her by the arm. She yanked her arm away but he was holding on a lot. He said "Why don't you come to my place" and grinned. She said no and hit him and ran. She got in the car after the whole situation in the motel. He ran after her when she was leaving but just stopped in the middle of the staircase. She locked the car doors and left fast going like 60. Her eyes watered as she was driving and she almost hit a coyote and slammed on the brakes. After that there was a guy in his looked like 30's. She really looked at him and it looked like the guy at the motel. She sped up but he moved in the road. She swerved away but still hit him and he just turned into dust almost like sand. She slowed down to think what just happened.
10 minutes later
She reached for a snack in the back and she felt someone grab her hand she slammed on the brakes and looked back and it was the man. He said "just turn back and nothing will happen IF you come to my place". She started crying and then turned around to go back to the motel but she saw her friend's car coming towards her. She looked at them to give a signal to help. But they were in the back seat crying being duck taped down to the seat and a young guy like late 20's driving the car. She looked in the back seat and the guy wasn't there so she turned the car around to follow her friends. She hit the car because they hit the brakes and they were hit into a ditch... she went to go help them but the car exploded. She ran back into the car and headed home.