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Lauren was snapped out of her conversation when she felt Y/N's warm hands wrap around her body from behind.
"Come dance hotty" Y/N slurred, evidently drunk. Lauren smiled warmly as she led her by the hand, guiding Lauren's hips. Y/N was moving against Lauren, which clearly frustrated Lauren as she was so turned on by the moves.
"Y/N, stop, or I'll have to rip your clothes off." Lauren murmured in her ear.
"What would be so bad about that?" Y/N smiled devilishly as Lauren laughed.
"Well, for one, we've only just rekindled whatever we have right now and you're drunk so, no sex for you."
"Damn, worth a shot." Y/N laughed.

The party continued till 4am, and the last people there were Fifth Harmony and The Hippo's. They departed with their last guests before they all left themselves, leaving a huge tip for the staff. Billie and Grace went back to their hotel room and Y/N offered for Lauren to stay, and Lauren had to take her there anyway as Y/N was too drunk and Billie and Grace weren't the most sober of people either. Fifth Harmony headed back to where they were staying whilst Lauren walked Y/N back to their hotel, Billie and Grace having got a taxi.
"You know, you really didn't have to walk me back. I could've gotten the text with the others."
"I know but I wanted to make sure you were okay. I don't mind walking, even though these heels are killing me." Lauren laughed a little.
"Here." Y/N bent down and indicated for Lauren to get on her back. "No way. You are way to drunk to support this mess."
"You are not a mess! If you won't let me carry you, then at least let me give you my socks and I will carry your shoes."
"Fine." Lauren and Y/N switched as Lauren's heart beat faster. Y/N was so kind, even drunk.
"Here, take my jacket. I'm not cold and you're shivering." Y/N insisted again. Even though she was drunk, she still felt Lauren needed to be okay.
"Thank you." Lauren whispered, blushing.

Lauren walked Y/N all the way up to her hotel room and helped her get into bed, blushing as she changed her ex (soon to be) girlfriend.
"You're the best." Y/N mumbled, snuggling into the duvet. Lauren laughed as she watched the girl's eyes flutter open and closed. She was about to leave when she felt her arm being held back.
"Stay please." Y/N mumbled, causing Lauren's heart to race. She knew they were supposed to be taking it slow. How slow was slow?
"Okay." Lauren replied.
Lauren didn't have clothes so she grabbed some of Y/N's and prayed that she wouldn't care. As soon as she got in the warm bed, she felt warm hands bringing her close. Y/N was facing Lauren as she realised their legs were now tangled. Y/N was wearing shorts and so was Lauren, so Y/N's warm skin against Lauren's cold skin made her shiver. Y/N was wearing a sports bra and Lauren was wearing one of Y/N's larger t shirts.
"You're so beautiful. How come I don't tell you this more often." Y/N giggled, kissing Lauren's nose.
"We are supposed to be taking things slow babe." Lauren laughed, holding Y/N's hand whilst stroking her face with the other.
"You meam I actually have a chance with you? Damn. I'm good."
"You've always had a chance, look at you."
"Laureeeeeeen, you make me blush." Y/N smiled sheepishly.
"I don't think I tell you enough how in awe of you I am. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. Thinking back, I think I fell in love with you as soon as you came over to me in the coffee shop."
"Goodness me. I am drunk right now and I really hope I remember this in the morning."
Lauren laughed as both of them fell silent. She could swear her heart was beating so hard soon they would be able to hear it.
They gazed into each other's eyes for what seemed like forever before Lauren started to lean in and Y/N met her in the middle.
"Goodnight beautiful." Y/N smiled to herself as her eyes closed, letting sleep take her over.
"Goodnight, I love you." Lauren looked at Y/N before kissing her on the forehead and closing her own eyes.

The next morning, Lauren ordered room service for Y/N and she found headache medication in the bathroom along with Y/N's anti depressants that she didn't realise she still took. She also had a glass of water along with the two tablets. As soon as Lauren heart the soft knock and "room service!" coming from the other side of the door, she jumped up and opened it so Y/N wouldn't wake up.
"Thank you." Lauren said as she closed the door. The tray contained a full English breakfast, which Lauren knew was a good cure for a hangover.
Lauren decided to lean over Y/N and pepper her face with kisses so she would wake up. She ended it with one full kiss on the lips which she knew Y/N was awake when she reciprocated.
"Wow. Wake me up like this more often." Y/N smiled as she sat up, raising a hand to her head. "Damn hangovers." She muttered.
"Here, I got you breakfast and a tablet for your headache along with your daily medication."
Y/N smiled sympathetically at the fact that Lauren knew she took anti depressants.
"I didn't know you took them still." Lauren crawled into the bed next to Y/N and held her hand.
"Yeah, it's not something I'll display. I'm on and off with them at the moment but it's been rocky lately."
"You can always talk to me. Always."
"Thank you, I know that. Anyway, let's eat!"
Y/N shared her breakfast with Lauren as she realised the Cuban hadn't got herself anything.
"Lauren, will you be my girlfriend again?" Y/N said after a mouthful, breaking the silence.
"I've been thinking. I just, really want to take things a little further."
"Oh my goodness."
"Is that bad? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
"No you didn't, and yes of course I'd love to be your girlfriend. I love you." Lauren mumbled the last bit, hoping Y/N wouldn't notice. She did.
"I love you too."

Back in Black - Sequel to Are You Okay?Where stories live. Discover now