Zayn POV
Since the nurse was right next to the gym i kissed Dianerys real quick on the cheeck and ran back into the gym. Savannas hands were behind her back and Jade look frustrated/furious. I was walking closer to the scene and i was Jade ready to punch Savanna straight in the head. Vanna is my best friend and I am definitely not letting that happen.
"Whoa whoa watch it." I said while grabbing Jades fist and twisting it behind her back. She stared at me in awe.
"You are the most sexiest person i ever say before." She sounded like she was in a day dream. I laughed.
"Good but no more punching. You need to calm the hell down." I told her half laughing still.
Savanna POV
"All i did was grab her arm so Savanna wouldn't get punched again!!" Zayn was practically yelling now.
It was me, Zayn, Harry, Jade and Dianerys in the principles office.
"And Harry was only holding Savanna so that she wouldnt try to hit her again." Dianerys said getting angry by the second.
"Jade since you started it, you will have to clean the cafeteria for a week and detention after school." Mrs. Rosario told us. Jade left out of the office obviously upset.
"Harry and Zayn will have 15 minute detention after school." They both groaned and Mrs. Rosario looked up at them.
"You know that I could make it 30 minutes!!" They flinched and didnt say anything else.
"Dianerys since you got in Jade's face you will be staying after school for a 20 minute detention." Mrs. Rosario pointed at Dianerys. Then to me.
"Savanna you punched someone without someone hitting you first which is assult so an hour of detention." That made me sooo mad at the fact that I was defending my friend.
"In all respect Mrs. Rosario, I only punched Jade because she punched Dia in the face and if i didnt do that, Jade woulda basically been jumping Dia."
The principal gave me that look saying, if you dont shut your mouth right now I will give you a whole year of detention. So i shifted in my seat uncomfortably. Then stood up to leave. It was too silent. Harry then walked out following me.
"Yoo this sucks a lot. Its just not freakin fair!!!" Harry yelled and kicked a wall. I told him to calm down and lead him to the math classroom with me.
"Well i guess were definitely going to have to skip detention this time." Harry then cupped my face and kissed me softly.
"Yea, we definitely should." I responded, kissing him back.

They Changed.. US!
ФанфикIts five of us. Me(savanna) then my other 4 home girls. Dianerys, Estrella, Lizbeth, and Selina. We all are starting our last year of high school and we basically have control over our school! I always had a crush on Harry Styles but, no one knew. T...