Chapter 30

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(Hey peeps. thanks for reading this story. Now here is the update. Hope you like So sorry for not updating in so long.)

(a few days later)

Estrella POV

"Noooo Niall I like this one better!" I spoke to Niall while pretending to whine.

"Its okay princess I'll get this one instead." Niall picked up the fragrance and tested it on himself then sprayed it in my face.

We were at the mall. Finally not having to worry about any trouble. Ryan got what he wanted and now he has to stay the heck out of our life. All 10 of us were at the mall actually, just split up though.

Louis POV

I was walking hand in hand with Lizbeth switching through different stores. I really have to tell Lizbeth something badly. Im just nervous to do it because for sure she wont forgive me for a long long time. Maybe never. Well I'll just have to find out later.

Harry POV

"Hazza!! Hurry up take the food and run!" Savanna whispered to me. I ran to a person's table at the food court and stole the food that was unattended.

We snuck off and high fived each other. None of us ever get caught doing this.

"Yasss boo yaaasss!!" Savanna snatched the fries I had and ran off with them. I just stood there, pretty dumbfounded.

"What the... babe!!" I ran after her and couldn't catch up cos of the crowd we were stuck in.

Savanna POV

Harry wasnt fast enough to reach me! Yea im too poppin. But anyway I was running and bumped straight into Zayn and Dia.

"Whoa sorry I was running from Harry."

"Its okay. We need to all meet up anyway. Louis has something to tell to Lizbeth and we want to see it happen. None of the girls know so dont even bother asking." Zayn told me sternly. Dianerys gave me a confused look and I gave her the same look. Finally Harry caught up with me and we both started walking to where we were told to meet.

Lizbeth POV 

I was really confused because Louis kept acting all nervous and stuff. I just wanted to slap him and ask what was wrong. 

"Baby we are going near the front entrance of the mall to meet everyone there. Then I will tell you something. Well ask.. no tell. Whatever were just going there." Louis spoke in a low tone. Ohh now I know something is wrong and if I am not told soon I will flip out. I wonder if the girls knew.                   *****************

"What the... WHAT THE HELL LOUIS? SO ALL OF THIS WAS NOTHING?? You seriously thought I would forgive you for this? Well guess what?? YOU ARE SO FREAKIN WRONG! Dont ever go near me again." I felt a tear slide down my cheek, I turned away and started walking around the parking lot towards Harry's car.

Selina POV

Me and the girls stood there shocked as Louis told Lizzi what he has been wanting to tell her. The boys stood there satisfied as if they wanted him to tell her. She yelled at him for a while then walked away. Since I was closest to her out of everyone I decided i was the person to calm her down. We all stared at Louis in disbelief before me walking off. I smirked when I heard the girls telling him off.

Dianerys POV

"Louis I cant belive you why would you think its cool to date her just for a stupid dare???" I crossed my arms and waited for an answer but Savanna spoke.

"You are crazy!! Girls are sensative and especially her! All of us are. NEVER play with a girls heart like that. Never.

Estrella didnt even have anything to say. She just walked up and slapped him. The boys told us three to go find Selina and Lizbeth and they'll talk to Louis.


Savanna POV

We were sitting on Lizbeths bed as she explained to us how he has been acting all weird and now she knows why.

"Thats really really messed up. The boys actually dared him to date me. He said at first he did the dare but then he actually started to love me. Thats crap because we always used to hate each other. I guess his acting worked."

"Girl you need to chill cos maybe he is telling the truth." I said trying to make her laugh. We all giggled a little.

"Well if he is then I might forgive him. But for now he is staying out of my life. Im happy you and the other boys are my friends. I heard that Niall was the one to force Louis to tell me now because if we got farther into our relationship it would ruin everything. Even though its already been like 8 months." Lizbeth wiped a tear from here eye.

We all decided to just go to an amusement park 10 minutes away from us just to get our minds off of what happened.


Savanna POV

"Harry we are invited to another party!!" I shouted to him from upstairs. He ran down quickly and tackled me.

"Oh nice more fun to have." He said smirking as he put his lips softly of mine. I giggled from smelling his minty breath from the gum he was chewing. He grabbed my waist to pull me closer to him while still having his lips attached on mine.

The kissing was getting more intense until I felt his gum slip straight into my mouth.

"EWWWW!" I pulled away and jumped up and down like a toddler. Harry just stood infront of me laughing historically.

"Babe thats not cool I almost choked." I spoke while crossing my arms over my chest pretending to pout. He gave me a sorrow look and smushed me cheeks. I waited for the right moment and counted down from 3 in my head. When I reached one I spit the gum out straight into him face which made him fly back. I knew he was going to chase me around his house, so I ran away fast.

"OH SAVANNA YOU ARE GOING TO PAY!" Was the last thing I heard before shutting and locking his room door.


Again I am sorry for not updating I just get busy. Please vote and maybe I'll write the next chapter a little sooner. Its just that I haven't been getting much feedback or comments and stuff so I feel like I shouldn't keep writing the story..

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