aA sPECiaL liTTLe PRIze fOR MY rEADeRs

14 2 2

i NoTICed tHAt mY sTORieS aRE gETTinG aLmOST 70 rEAds iN AlL, So i DecIdeD tHAt wHEn tHIs bOoK HiTS 100 rEAds i'''"'Ll rELEase Aaa LiTtLe sTORy i hAD dELEteD. tHe ReaDerS WHo HaVE bEEN KeePIng TRaCK oF My sTORiES wiLL kNOw WhAT i'''"M TaLKinG aBOut. 

tHE nEXT CHapTer wilL bE REleASEd bEtwEen tOMORroW aND nEXt SuNDaY.  ;) 


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